Lynch Syndrome


New Member
Well going to the oncologist today. After my colon cancer surgery it was discovered that I carry a gene associated with Lynch Syndrome.

Today I'll learn how it affects my future.

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Active Member
Good luck HC. I'll have to look that up when I get off of work today. My thoughts are with you!!


New Member
Ok... I'm home... it's good news...

While I do have a greater than average chance that I will develop more cancer... I will be tested every three or four months.

I have to have a colonoscopy and a scan soon. I had the blood work done today. If the CEA is elevated they'll call. If it's not then I won't have to go to DC until November.

I'm stuck here on earth for at least 5 more years and probably 10 or better if I keep up my regular check ups and take care of anything as soon as it pops up, [if the good Lord doesn't call me sooner with something else :whistle:]. Chemo, in my prognosis, will do less good than harm so for now that's not in the plan. If they come up with a more effective chemo that proves well in cases like mine, they'll consider it at a later date.

So that's it.... it's really good news. I guess a lot of prayers is a good way to treat cancer.... cause it sure has worked for mine.
