made a career of attacking Christians


PREMO Member
CNN Adds Reza Aslan, W. Kamau Bell to Cable Line Up

W. Kamau Bell, CNN says, will host “United Shades of America” where he will “explore the far corners of our country and its various groups and subcultures.”

Both hosts are highly controversial and combative.

Aslan, for one, has a long history of attacking Christians and Christianity. Late last year, for instance, he claimed that the Bible was full of “historical errors,” despite that he is not a historian or a biblical scholar.

But even as he has made a career of attacking Christians, Aslan does have support for one religion. As comedian Bill Maher has increased his verbal assault on radical Islam, Aslan has come to Islam’s support and said that Maher is engaging in “frank bigotry.”

In another case, Aslan claimed that Sam Harris’ criticism of Islam was paranoid, “uninformed,” and “unsophisticated.”

For his part, W. Kamu Bell has also engaged in controversial comments, though his focus has been his quest to decide who is and who is not a racist. Naturally, conservative whites are usually his target.

In fact, Bell has insisted that no white person is allowed to say what is racist and what isn’t, because only whites can be racist.


Well-Known Member
No surprise at anything the Clinton News Network will do to divide the races even more.
CNN Adds Reza Aslan, W. Kamau Bell to Cable Line Up

W. Kamau Bell, CNN says, will host “United Shades of America” where he will “explore the far corners of our country and its various groups and subcultures.”

Both hosts are highly controversial and combative.

Aslan, for one, has a long history of attacking Christians and Christianity. Late last year, for instance, he claimed that the Bible was full of “historical errors,” despite that he is not a historian or a biblical scholar.

But even as he has made a career of attacking Christians, Aslan does have support for one religion. As comedian Bill Maher has increased his verbal assault on radical Islam, Aslan has come to Islam’s support and said that Maher is engaging in “frank bigotry.”

In another case, Aslan claimed that Sam Harris’ criticism of Islam was paranoid, “uninformed,” and “unsophisticated.”

For his part, W. Kamu Bell has also engaged in controversial comments, though his focus has been his quest to decide who is and who is not a racist. Naturally, conservative whites are usually his target.

In fact, Bell has insisted that no white person is allowed to say what is racist and what isn’t, because only whites can be racist.

"Attacking" christians? Physically, or is he just questioning christian beliefs?


"Attacking" christians? Physically, or is he just questioning christian beliefs?

This video doesn't show any sort of attack on Christianity. Now I haven't read Aslan's book; and it doesn't appear Harris Faulkner read it either; which makes the interview pretty disingenuous and dishonest.


The only time I think I would consider an attack on Christianity is when someone resorts to calling believers insane or some other sort of disdainful name. But I think it’s perfectly reasonable to question any faith in a respectful manner. I'm rarely offended by these debates.


Well-Known Member
This video doesn't show any sort of attack on Christianity. Now I haven't read Aslan's book; and it doesn't appear Harris Faulkner read it either; which makes the interview pretty disingenuous and dishonest.


The only time I think I would consider an attack on Christianity is when someone resorts to calling believers insane or some other sort of disdainful name. But I think it’s perfectly reasonable to question any faith in a respectful manner. I'm rarely offended by these debates.

Agreed. But just try and disagree or challenge any tenet of islam and see what happens. And see who in the media side with islam.


Agreed. But just try and disagree or challenge any tenet of islam and see what happens. And see who in the media side with islam.

Well, this really isn't about the insensitivities of Islam. Most of us know they are a hateful and intolerant faith. Christians MUST always keep close to their hearts the reality that we will be a persecuted people by the world. What we’re seeing today is just the beginning and is mild compared to what’s to come.

Just remember: “everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted…” 2 Timothy 3:12
Well, this really isn't about the insensitivities of Islam. Most of us know they are a hateful and intolerant faith. Christians MUST always keep close to their hearts the reality that we will be a persecuted people by the world. What we’re seeing today is just the beginning and is mild compared to what’s to come.

Just remember: “everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted…” 2 Timothy 3:12

Hate and intolerance is a cancer in both christianity and islam. Neither religion should be condemned by the actions of their extremists who pervert their faiths.


Hate and intolerance is a cancer in both christianity and islam. Neither religion should be condemned by the actions of their extremists who pervert their faiths.

Intolerance is a plague that exists in a lot of different factions of our society. I happen to find liberals to be filled with hate and intolerance. Heck you get plenty of it in this forum. When it exists, we should point it out and condemn it and stop pretending that because it exists here, it can't be condemned anywhere.
Intolerance is a plague that exists in a lot of different factions of our society. I happen to find liberals to be filled with hate and intolerance. Heck you get plenty of it in this forum. When it exists, we should point it out and condemn it and stop pretending that because it exists here, it can't be condemned anywhere.

My reply was to your assertion that Islam is a "hateful and intolerant faith." I agree that hate and intolerance is alive and well in all parts of society, but I do not paint an entire religion as such. The fact that you feel that way about ALL of islam is pretty demonstrative of your personal intolerance for those who believe in that religion.

I do not believe in god or any religion, but I certainly respect the rights of people to believe what they want to believe as long as it does not have an adverse effect on the lives of those who choose not to believe as they do.


My reply was to your assertion that Islam is a "hateful and intolerant faith." I agree that hate and intolerance is alive and well in all parts of society, but I do not paint an entire religion as such. The fact that you feel that way about ALL of islam is pretty demonstrative of your personal intolerance for those who believe in that religion.

I do not believe in god or any religion, but I certainly respect the rights of people to believe what they want to believe as long as it does not have an adverse effect on the lives of those who choose not to believe as they do.

If you want to compare the two, go to any Islamic country and try preaching Christianity. In fact just simply walk down the street with a bible in your hand. You will be arrested and perhaps put to death.

Given we’re a predominately Christian country you could say we are a Christian nation; in that, most people on our streets are Christians. Have someone walk down the street with the Koran in their hand and what will happen? NOTHING! Not a thing. Have them stand up in the middle of The Mall preaching about Islam. What will happen? Nothing! Not one thing will happen to that person.

In fact, in America, have a Christian walk into a Mosque with a bible and see what happens. Have a Muslim walk into a Christian church with the Koran and what do you think will happen?

Today’s Islam is replete with hate and intolerance toward any faith that isn’t Muslim. In Iran, Saudi Arabia, and now Iraq, and other extreme Islamic countries, Christians are butchered simply for their faith. I personally know someone from an Islamic country who is a B’Hai. He knows first-hand people of his faith are arrested and forced to convert. If they don’t convert, they are murdered. Most are stoned to death. This sort of hate does not exist within the Christian faith. Christians are, by-and-large, extremely tolerant to every faith. What we’re NOT tolerant to is somehow justifying this radicalization of Islam, and their butchery, by saying “well, Christians did it too ----------------------------- 800 years ago.”


Well-Known Member
If you want to compare the two, go to any Islamic country and try preaching Christianity. In fact just simply walk down the street with a bible in your hand. You will be arrested and perhaps put to death.

Given we’re a predominately Christian country you could say we are a Christian nation; in that, most people on our streets are Christians. Have someone walk down the street with the Koran in their hand and what will happen? NOTHING! Not a thing. Have them stand up in the middle of The Mall preaching about Islam. What will happen? Nothing! Not one thing will happen to that person.

In fact, in America, have a Christian walk into a Mosque with a bible and see what happens. Have a Muslim walk into a Christian church with the Koran and what do you think will happen?

Today’s Islam is replete with hate and intolerance toward any faith that isn’t Muslim. In Iran, Saudi Arabia, and now Iraq, and other extreme Islamic countries, Christians are butchered simply for their faith. I personally know someone from an Islamic country who is a B’Hai. He knows first-hand people of his faith are arrested and forced to convert. If they don’t convert, they are murdered. Most are stoned to death. This sort of hate does not exist within the Christian faith. Christians are, by-and-large, extremely tolerant to every faith. What we’re NOT tolerant to is somehow justifying this radicalization of Islam, and their butchery, by saying “well, Christians did it too ----------------------------- 800 years ago.”

The tolerance in the USA you attribute to Christianity isn't because Christians are so tolerant. It is the opposite. This country was established in direct response to the intolerance of Christians. The founders wrote the first amendment the way they did to protect us from Christians and that wasn't 800 years ago. Neither were the atrocities committed by Christians in this country.
Just look at some of the forums biggest bigots. Most of them also proudly proclaim their belief in Jesus. Those people aren't just 'religious bigots' they are also often racists too. You are fooling yourself if you think this intolerance does not exist in the Christian faith.
If you want to compare the two, go to any Islamic country and try preaching Christianity. In fact just simply walk down the street with a bible in your hand. You will be arrested and perhaps put to death.

Given we’re a predominately Christian country you could say we are a Christian nation; in that, most people on our streets are Christians. Have someone walk down the street with the Koran in their hand and what will happen? NOTHING! Not a thing. Have them stand up in the middle of The Mall preaching about Islam. What will happen? Nothing! Not one thing will happen to that person.

In fact, in America, have a Christian walk into a Mosque with a bible and see what happens. Have a Muslim walk into a Christian church with the Koran and what do you think will happen?

Today’s Islam is replete with hate and intolerance toward any faith that isn’t Muslim. In Iran, Saudi Arabia, and now Iraq, and other extreme Islamic countries, Christians are butchered simply for their faith. I personally know someone from an Islamic country who is a B’Hai. He knows first-hand people of his faith are arrested and forced to convert. If they don’t convert, they are murdered. Most are stoned to death. This sort of hate does not exist within the Christian faith. Christians are, by-and-large, extremely tolerant to every faith. What we’re NOT tolerant to is somehow justifying this radicalization of Islam, and their butchery, by saying “well, Christians did it too ----------------------------- 800 years ago.”

And what will happen if muslims attempt to pray at the National Cathedral? Christian intolerance.
One? One woman complains and you wag your finger at all Christians?

Ok, you are insane.


OK. Here's more evidence of Christian intolerance. And I made it clear in an earlier post that I do not paint an entire religion as being hateful and intolerant in response to a christian's assertion that all of Islam was a hateful and intolerant religion. Most religious people are tolerant of other belief systems, but there are those in all religions who are not.


And what will happen if muslims attempt to pray at the National Cathedral? Christian intolerance.

It's called intolerance when a CHRISTIAN CHURCH allows Muslims to conduct a prayer service and one woman protests it? The woman didn’t shoot anyone, she didn’t behead anyone, and she didn’t threaten anyone. What sort of intolerance were the And what will happen if muslims attempt to pray at the National Cathedral? Christian intolerance. [url][/QUOTE] It's called intolerance when a CHRISTIAN CHURCH allows Muslims to conduct a prayer service and one woman protests it? The woman didn’t shoot anyone, she didn’t behead anyone, and she didn’t threaten anyone. What sort of intolerance were the Cathedral administrators exercising by allowing the prayer service in the first place?"]Cathedral administrators[/URL] exercising by allowing the prayer service in the first place?

“We want the world to see the Christian community is partnering with us and is supporting our religious freedom in the same way we are calling for religious freedom for all minorities in Muslim countries,”

Again, go to an Islamic country like Saudi Arabia or Iran. Their entire legal system is rooted in Islamic law - Sharia. There is absolutely no tolerance for any religion not Islam. Punishment is swift and brutal for anyone attempting to have anything to do with Christianity. In this country Christians are generally tolerant to all faiths, and pointing out one intolerant 'Christian' to prove the entire faith is intolerant, especially when it was that very Christian faith that allowed Muslims to pray in a Christian church - right within the same story - is just shortsighted.
It's called intolerance when a CHRISTIAN CHURCH allows Muslims to conduct a prayer service and one woman protests it? The woman didn’t shoot anyone, she didn’t behead anyone, and she didn’t threaten anyone. What sort of intolerance were the Cathedral administrators exercising by allowing the prayer service in the first place?

Again, go to an Islamic country like Saudi Arabia or Iran. Their entire legal system is rooted in Islamic law - Sharia. There is absolutely no tolerance for any religion not Islam. Punishment is swift and brutal for anyone attempting to have anything to do with Christianity. In this country Christians are generally tolerant to all faiths, and pointing out one intolerant 'Christian' to prove the entire faith is intolerant, especially when it was that very Christian faith that allowed Muslims to pray in a Christian church - right within the same story - is just shortsighted.

My point has been that not ALL people of any one religion are ALL hateful and intolerant as you appear to feel that ALL of islam is. In one breath you speak of the tolerant virtues of christians, and then demonstrate your intolerance of islam in your assertion that islam is a religion of hate and intolerance.


My point has been that not ALL people of any one religion are ALL hateful and intolerant as you appear to feel that ALL of islam is. In one breath you speak of the tolerant virtues of christians, and then demonstrate your intolerance of islam in your assertion that islam is a religion of hate and intolerance.

Let me understand you… expressing my opinion on Islam’s intolerance any all religions not Christian equals intolerance? I am pointing out that you have entire nations whose laws are built on the religion of Islam and all other religions are ILLEGAL. This makes me intolerant? I am not playing onesy-twosy like you did when you pointed to one woman protesting Muslims praying in a Christian church – that Christians invited them to do – in an effort to cast Christians as intolerant. I am pointing to entire nations that practice far worse levels of intolerance than just protesting.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And what will happen if muslims attempt to pray at the National Cathedral? Christian intolerance.

OMG! How terrible that she led a horde of her fellow Christians to take up arms and slaughter these Muslims. How awful that she strapped a bomb onto her child and sent it into the service to kill those congregated. And just because her God told her to!
