Madonna threatened...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...if you read the article, it's pretty clear: She is a target because of what she represents to those who would kill her"

“She thought she was being targeted because of her Jewish Kabbalah religion. But this group were threatening her because she represents many things they hate about the West.”

But, Drudge has other things today:

Triumphant Michael Moore

and, most disturbing...

E.L Doctorow at a Hofstra Graduation ceremony and people railing, once again that somehow HE should have free speech meaning sit down, shut up and listen.

So, this set me to wondering, how long before Bush gets blamed for threats on Madonnas life?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Michael Moore - he's being celebrated by members of the Hollywood Leftist brigade. What did you expect?

Madonna - Clueless as always.

Doctorow - Very disturbing. Making a political statement at a commencement ceremony is inappropriate, to say the least. Whoever got him as the speaker should be fired, if not given the death penalty for extreme poor judgement. No Condi Rice on campus but, by God, you can sure have a Leftist nutcase. :duh: