So do we agree that people should eat less and better? In general, I mean? I never felt like Lunchables was a proper lunch for a child - I don't even know why anyone would feed their kid something like that, it's like 4oz of garbage.
They should call it Snackable, not Lunchable. Crapable would be more appropriate - who wants to eat cold chicken nuggets?

I understand preservatives and why they're necessary in packaged food. If the Brits want to eat spoiled food, let them. That's probably why their teeth look the way they do. We don't want rotten food and rotten teeth, so preservatives won't be going away. But there's a lot of crap they could get out of our packaged food, and a lot of crap they could do away with altogether because nobody needs that. Talking to you, Lunchables.*
I did a tour of the grocery store, not just getting the stuff on my list but really looking at everything available and it's just...why? I'll bet I personally don't buy 1/100th of a % of all the stuff Publix sells. While I was there I snooped in other people's baskets and they don't buy that sht either. I have to believe nobody buys all the 6 different types of kimchee and the store ends up throwing it out when it expires. A whole freaking aisle of bread, and I'll bet a lot of it gets pitched. An aisle with nothing but frozen dinners - not like chicken nuggets and fish sticks, I'm talking Lean Cuisines, Marie Callendars, etc. Chicken nugs and fish sticks had their own aisle. A whole aisle - both sides - of snack chips.
So are groceries so expensive to make up for loss? If we had less product could it be cheaper because we're not paying for all those yogurts that expired and got tossed? All the bananas nobody bought?
And would someone throw themselves off a bridge because there wasn't *checks notes* 3 types of vegan hot dogs that nobody else buys? I'm an avid reader of the dinner/lunch/breakfast threads and you guys aren't eating anything off the wall, either. Not a single person has ever said, "Oh, I had grilled roasted red pepper halloumi and chickpeas on a whole wheat pita." And yet Publix had like 4 different flavors of halloumi, and a huge rack of pitas several different brands and flavors. I bought hummus and the choices were overwhelming. Why? Who buys all that?
I mean, I get that we're Americans and supposed to be wallowing in excess, but seriously.....when is enough enough?
* And I swear the Lunchables people go, "Hmmm....nobody is buying our crapables. I know! We should make some new combinations! Maybe that's why moms aren't buying them for their kids, because there isn't a cold pizza version**! Or a mozzerella stick that you dunk in cold marinara and coat with stale breadcrumbs**! Kyler, get on that!"
** Those are real Lunchable varieties.