Major Pet Peeve!



This morning I am sick as a DOG! All because some sniffling ditz at Walmart insisted on touching my hands when she gave me change.

My major Pet Peeve: People who touch you when returning change! It makes me sick!


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
And people wonder why I always wear an environmental suit and respirator.



American Beauty
PREMO Member
Maybe she sneezed on you...

I hate it when they put the coins on top of the paper money. :burning:


Are you saying I need counseling???:bawl: I guess I wander through life thinking, that If I have major issues and Pet Peeves than maybe so does everyone else........

Was I wrong again??? There must be something that irks the heck out of you!


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Kain99
... There must be something that irks the heck out of you!
Tailgaters and people writing checks in the express lines! :burning:


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Kyle
people writing checks in the express lines! :burning:

That's me! :biggrin:

If I carry cash I never have enough...if I run out of checks I go home and get more. :wink:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
People that cut in front of me then do me the honor of using their turn signal.



Vermicious Knid
I hate those Lean Cuisine commercials.

Woman A: "Looks like I'm having leftovers for dinner."
Woman B: "Yeah, well, all I have in the house is a stale Pop-Tart."
Woman C: "Dexa-Trim and Old Granddad for me tonight!"
Woman D (in a luxuriant, moaning voice while staring off into space): "Well, I'm having Savory Cutlets of Veal in a white wine and truffel sauce, tender long-grain rice imported from the lower Himalayas, and Parisian sugarsnap peas sauteed in a light sesame vinagrette."

Oh. My. God. SHUT UP!!!!


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by seasquirt
I hate those Lean Cuisine commercials.

Woman A: "Looks like I'm having leftovers for dinner."
Woman B: "Yeah, well, all I have in the house is a stale Pop-Tart."
Woman C: "Dexa-Trim and Old Granddad for me tonight!"
Woman D (in a luxuriant, moaning voice while staring off into space): "Well, I'm having Savory Cutlets of Veal in a white wine and truffel sauce, tender long-grain rice imported from the lower Himalayas, and Parisian sugarsnap peas sauteed in a light sesame vinagrette."

Oh. My. God. SHUT UP!!!!

Ha Ha, I though I was the only one. Remember the Vanicamp's (sp?) commercials a few years back? Ya know "It's Vandicamps for me and me!" I use to throw things at the tv. That stupid little blonde girl use to pluck my last nerve!!! :burning:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Or when All My Children is preempted for a bunch of talking heads. Like right now. :scowl: Don't they know it's Friday ~ cliffhanger day? :razz:


-People who blast their music.

-Non-stop talkers at a movie

-Screaming children in airplanes or nice restaurants-- there should be a "non-screaming children" section in restaurants!!!

-People who park illegally in my $%^& spot at work!


-People standing in line behind me at a checkout who crowd me out.

...bad day at work. :rolleyes:


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by Kain99
This morning I am sick as a DOG! All because some sniffling ditz at Walmart insisted on touching my hands when she gave me change.

My major Pet Peeve: People who touch you when returning change! It makes me sick!

Why don't sick people just stay home? (They'll get better, quicker when they rest!) The sick person returning your change should have been at home.

Why don't bad drivers just walk?

And why did someone post a message about rodent hair and fecal matter in chocolate and peanut butter, less than 10 days before Halloween?