Making a Registry Change


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Prior to yesterday, I was able to run Java (view Chat) and had no problem with ActiveX and so forth. I determined that the difference came down to a Registry Prompt on Start-Up. Typically, I've been "okaying" SystemsGuard to allow a one-time change to my computer with each start-up. This past prompt, I decided to block it to determine what would happen.

Know I know.

So, I've gone through Internet Tools, then the Security Center, where I can see my action, but cannot change it - even after reboot.



Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member

I used my in-house "HELP" button (aka Kyle) and we're both still at a loss.

Sooo, I thought I'd bump the thread and see. I'm getting the "several java virtal machines running in the same process" message, as well as an "Active X" install message which is wrong.

Kyle determined that there is a "break up" in the deliverance of the sequence of code necessary to run the apps, and tried to fix, but had no luck.

This morning, I was prompted again with the Registry issue, I allowed it, and still, no go.

Very confused. :confused:

Anyone? Any ideas? Kyle even cleared all java apps from running processes last night to see if we could get it to run and other "stuff". Nada.


oic ......... you might dig around in its settings, you should be able to reverse any changes you make like the java scripting app you disallowed