making children understand???


Transam's wife
I am trying to find out the best way to bring to my daughter's school something that will help the other children understand about childhood cancers. Some of you know that my daughter has Ewing's Sarcoma Cancer and she has missed this school year with her friends (she does do home schooling). My daughter was able to go to the school dance a month ago, and some kids were WONDERFUL with her...and of course there were those kids that were.....less kind. We just found out that her so called "best friend" is spreading lies about my child dying (she's not) and another child brought a bandana to school saying that " I have cancer, I'm (daughter's name here) and I'm bald". It's so sad!!!
I would love some sort of in put on what is the best way to bring awareness to the others about childhood cancers and how hard it is for the children who have to go thru this. My daughter and I want the others to know that even though they are sick , they still are the same person they were before they ended up sick. Any thoughts would be great!! I (and my daughter) thank you in advance.


I am trying to find out the best way to bring to my daughter's school something that will help the other children understand about childhood cancers. Some of you know that my daughter has Ewing's Sarcoma Cancer and she has missed this school year with her friends (she does do home schooling). My daughter was able to go to the school dance a month ago, and some kids were WONDERFUL with her...and of course there were those kids that were.....less kind. We just found out that her so called "best friend" is spreading lies about my child dying (she's not) and another child brought a bandana to school saying that " I have cancer, I'm (daughter's name here) and I'm bald". It's so sad!!!
I would love some sort of in put on what is the best way to bring awareness to the others about childhood cancers and how hard it is for the children who have to go thru this. My daughter and I want the others to know that even though they are sick , they still are the same person they were before they ended up sick. Any thoughts would be great!! I (and my daughter) thank you in advance.

How old are the children you are targeting?

nobody really

I need a nap
I am trying to find out the best way to bring to my daughter's school something that will help the other children understand about childhood cancers. Some of you know that my daughter has Ewing's Sarcoma Cancer and she has missed this school year with her friends (she does do home schooling). My daughter was able to go to the school dance a month ago, and some kids were WONDERFUL with her...and of course there were those kids that were.....less kind. We just found out that her so called "best friend" is spreading lies about my child dying (she's not) and another child brought a bandana to school saying that " I have cancer, I'm (daughter's name here) and I'm bald". It's so sad!!!
I would love some sort of in put on what is the best way to bring awareness to the others about childhood cancers and how hard it is for the children who have to go thru this. My daughter and I want the others to know that even though they are sick , they still are the same person they were before they ended up sick. Any thoughts would be great!! I (and my daughter) thank you in advance.

you are such a good person. You're daughter, too. hang in there. I don't have children, so i can't give advice. But best of luck to you both


Transam's wife
How old are the children you are targeting?

We want to bring it to the middle school age group. These kids just don't seem to understand or get it. Any and all advice would be helpful. I have talked to her guidance couns. at the school and she thought it was a good idea, but that's about it.


Back in the saddle
We want to bring it to the middle school age group. These kids just don't seem to understand or get it. Any and all advice would be helpful. I have talked to her guidance couns. at the school and she thought it was a good idea, but that's about it.

Keep pushing in contacting the school, contact the principle see about allowing you to come in one day to talk to her grade. Maybe contact someone through the hospital that could also help you out in speaking with the children. How about using the Relay for Life as well with the students? Is your daughter signed up for it or have a team for herself? Get the students involved and have them walk for/with her.

Some kids at this age can be VERY mean! It's ashame that they don't have people in their lives to teach them better.


New Member
I think you are wonderful for doing this:) I am guessing any info that can be given should. Maybe your daughter can explain how she feels and what it feels like to have the meds. I am only guessing here i have never been in your shoes with a child sick. My mom was sick with leukemia and we explained alot to my two little children.


Dream Stealer
Middle school is tough...the kids are so concerned with looking makes them forget for a bit to be compassionate. Perhaps teachers would let you show a documentary of a child with cancer? I know there are a few out there..the st. Jude commercials are enough for me..but perhaps if they could watch a few moments of a child their age..and what they go through with treatment..they may understand better. It is more than likely that as young people..they have never encountered sickness..and do not know the reality of it. They think when they have strep throat that is sick, or that cancer only means a bald head...and it is not their fault..they just haven't lived long enough to experience it. I know that I myself had very little understanding of sickness until I began to work at the hospital. I bet a realistic vision..of someone their age dealing with treatment and such..would change their tune a little. Good luck. So tough to deal with at any age..but middle school is hell


New Member
Just a couple thoughts...

I definitely think it's a good idea to educate the kids about Leukemia. I think a lot of the problems you are describing in the classroom are coming from ignorance and hopefully will resolve itself once they know more.

A few thoughts:

-Is there a book, story, article, or essay about Leukemia that you could read together with the class and talk about it afterwards? This could be a good way to break the ice. Maybe even something that your daughter has written, if she's comfortable sharing it? Here's an example article that you could possibly use: Then and Now: Shanon's Cancer Story

-It's great if you and your daughter are both willing to do this together. If your daughter is uncomfortable with you doing the presentation, the school nurse or school counselor may be willing to do it (with or without your daughter present, depending on her preference). They may also have other ideas or resources for you...

I'll keep an eye out for other ideas or some literature that may help...

Good luck! I think its a really good idea.


Transam's wife
Just a couple thoughts...

I definitely think it's a good idea to educate the kids about Leukemia. I think a lot of the problems you are describing in the classroom are coming from ignorance and hopefully will resolve itself once they know more.

A few thoughts:

-Is there a book, story, article, or essay about Leukemia that you could read together with the class and talk about it afterwards? This could be a good way to break the ice. Maybe even something that your daughter has written, if she's comfortable sharing it? Here's an example article that you could possibly use: Then and Now: Shanon's Cancer Story

-It's great if you and your daughter are both willing to do this together. If your daughter is uncomfortable with you doing the presentation, the school nurse or school counselor may be willing to do it (with or without your daughter present, depending on her preference). They may also have other ideas or resources for you...

I'll keep an eye out for other ideas or some literature that may help...

Good luck! I think its a really good idea.
I want all the childhood cancers if at all daughter has Ewing's Sarcoma which is a rare bone/soft tissue cancer and only 200 children a year have this. We just want other children to know how much of a fight and how strong these children/kids are to fight cancers .


Dream Stealer
Just a couple thoughts...

I definitely think it's a good idea to educate the kids about Leukemia. I think a lot of the problems you are describing in the classroom are coming from ignorance and hopefully will resolve itself once they know more.

A few thoughts:

-Is there a book, story, article, or essay about Leukemia that you could read together with the class and talk about it afterwards? This could be a good way to break the ice. Maybe even something that your daughter has written, if she's comfortable sharing it? Here's an example article that you could possibly use: Then and Now: Shanon's Cancer Story

-It's great if you and your daughter are both willing to do this together. If your daughter is uncomfortable with you doing the presentation, the school nurse or school counselor may be willing to do it (with or without your daughter present, depending on her preference). They may also have other ideas or resources for you...

I'll keep an eye out for other ideas or some literature that may help...

Good luck! I think its a really good idea.

I wonder if it is better to NOT have her OR her daughter participate? For some reason I feel like it may be better to have them see a cancer patient (their age) without being confronted with a real life case. then, they won't feel pressured to react the "right way" or be embarrassed to ask certain questions..also I wouldnt want it to look like latinamomma's daughter was a show and tell project, or a "tattle tale" or some such..those feelings may hinder the kids from being able to absorb the message of what they are being shown..they will undoubtedly make the connection..but without feeling like they are (not sure the right way to put this) being FORCED to treat her a certain way .

This seems like a good resource..
Video Resources

also perhaps writing some letters to kids in the hospital maight make it more salient to them...real patients of course..I think Johns hopkins pediatric oncology has a pen pal program..or at least the had something similar when I shadowed there


Active Member
I am trying to find out the best way to bring to my daughter's school something that will help the other children understand about childhood cancers. Some of you know that my daughter has Ewing's Sarcoma Cancer and she has missed this school year with her friends (she does do home schooling). .

I don't have any advice but wanted to tell you tell you I am moved by you and your daughter's strength. :buddies:


New Member
I don't have any advice but wanted to tell you tell you I am moved by you and your daughter's strength. :buddies:

:yeahthat: Keep looking and searching I am sure you will find the media that you will need to reach not just the school age kids but their parents as well.


.:Georgia Peach:.
I just wanted to let you know I said a little prayer for your daughter and your family. Im so sorry she has to go through such an ordeal and then have kids being cruel as well. Wow-I cant believe someone was mocking her like that, I know kids can be mean but I would expect a little more compassion in middle school!


New Member
I am trying to find out the best way to bring to my daughter's school something that will help the other children understand about childhood cancers. Some of you know that my daughter has Ewing's Sarcoma Cancer and she has missed this school year with her friends (she does do home schooling). My daughter was able to go to the school dance a month ago, and some kids were WONDERFUL with her...and of course there were those kids that were.....less kind. We just found out that her so called "best friend" is spreading lies about my child dying (she's not) and another child brought a bandana to school saying that " I have cancer, I'm (daughter's name here) and I'm bald". It's so sad!!!
I would love some sort of in put on what is the best way to bring awareness to the others about childhood cancers and how hard it is for the children who have to go thru this. My daughter and I want the others to know that even though they are sick , they still are the same person they were before they ended up sick. Any thoughts would be great!! I (and my daughter) thank you in advance.

Middle school is terrible, the kids can be so mean.
Unfortunately this is the time when kids want to just fit in and will do/say whatever they think will make that happen.

Maybe a direct approach might work for you, "It has come to our attention that there is some confusion over how (your daughter) is doing." Give them details of what she has, how they treat her and how that affects her. Tell them how much she misses her school and friends and how to contact her. Tell them how important it is for her to keep her spirits up and how they can help to make that happen.

I also like the idea of the pen pal possibility someone else mentioned. This would give contact with other types of cancers/illnesses but I think you'll find they'll take more seriously learning about what you're actually dealing with.

Prayers to your daughter and family.


New Member
I am so sorry that your family as to go through that. My son (4)has asked me why does so and so where a scarf on there head or why they have a bald head, i just tell him because they are cool or GI JOES. To him GI JOES are heros. Now when he sees someone with a scarf or a bald head he tells them they are cool. Please tell your daughter that she is cool!


Registered User
My son went to school with a little boy that was very ill. Once the parents found out what was wrong with the little boy, they had a meeting with the children in the class and the little boy's parents. The parents explained what was going on with their son and answered tons of questions from the children. Most of them were afraid they would hurt the boy or they would catch what he had. So I think it was very beneficial to the children. These were elementary school kids, so they were very open to what was going on. I think middle school kids are so worried about what other kids are thinking, they just don't think for themselves.

I would suggest to the Teacher maybe a little sit down with the kids and/or the parents of the class or both. It certainly wouldn't hurt. I think if you could explain it to them directly there wouldn't be any cause for rumors or lies.

I can tell as the my son and his classmates have gotten older, they have shielded this boy from others, and have openly answered questions and corrected other children when they were incorrect about his problems.

I hope you find a solution to help your daughter and your family.