Gosh are those dogs huge. I went to petco yesterday and a guy walked in with one and he stood right near the door in the middle of the floor. I asked him what breed it was and that is what he told me. He also said the dog weighed only 130lbs well it looked like it weighed more than that maybe close to 300. There barks are loud I couldn't hear the cashier when she was talking to me as 2 dogs decided to have a barking contest (the malamute and a huskey) the malamutes bark sounds like they are trying to saw meow but its coming out mew.
I know one of the people on here has one I can't remember who though. The one i met yesterday was tan and white (was it your dog?)
I know one of the people on here has one I can't remember who though. The one i met yesterday was tan and white (was it your dog?)