Man “roofies” wife's Capri Sun drink for more sex


Lawful neutral

A German man, whose wife fell seriously ill after he spiked her Capri Sun drink to spice up their sex life, was handed a suspended prison sentence on Monday.

The Bremen court charged the 57-year-old man with bodily harm resulting from negligence, after he spiked his wife's drink in 2012. “I wanted to bring new bounce to our love life,” he told the court. “I am endlessly sorry for what I have done.”

His lawyer explained that he had read on the internet that Rohypnol, known under its street name “roofies” triggered feelings of euphoria and sexual arousal.

John Z

if you will
Without reading the article, I am wondering just how young this wife of his is. If she is drinking Capri Sun, maybe still in her teens?:eyebrow:

A German man, whose wife fell seriously ill after he spiked her Capri Sun drink to spice up their sex life, was handed a suspended prison sentence on Monday.

The Bremen court charged the 57-year-old man with bodily harm resulting from negligence, after he spiked his wife's drink in 2012. “I wanted to bring new bounce to our love life,” he told the court. “I am endlessly sorry for what I have done.”

His lawyer explained that he had read on the internet that Rohypnol, known under its street name “roofies” triggered feelings of euphoria and sexual arousal.

And he thought giving her an incapacitating drug might be a way to do that?

How about making a little effort? How about trying to be charming? How about trying to be funny? How about putting in a little work (generally speaking, work shouldn't be needed to get your SO to want to have sex with you; but when it is for whatever reason, you have to be willing to make the effort - or, you know, not have sex)?

I suspect that almost all people - even those that have been together for a long time, and even those that are getting older - still have sexual triggers (I sure hope this is the case anyway). If you've been with someone for a long time, you should know what those triggers are and should be willing to do what it takes to set them off. If they've gotten difficult to find, you just have to work harder. Or not I suppose. But, in most cases, I suspect they're still there, somewhere. Have a little fun trying to figure out what they are, maybe?

Anyway, seems like he may have just wanted to do it the easy way - i.e., rape his wife. I obviously don't know all the details, and maybe I'm simplifying the situation too much. If so, I apologize to the guy.


Registered User
Without reading the article, I am wondering just how young this wife of his is. If she is drinking Capri Sun, maybe still in her teens?:eyebrow:

They were both 54 and married for 34 yrs.

Man spikes wife's Capri Sun drink for more sex

Published: 9 Sep 2013 16:50 CET | Print version
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A German man, whose wife fell seriously ill after he spiked her Capri Sun drink to spice up their sex life, was handed a suspended prison sentence on Monday.

The Bremen court charged the 57-year-old man with bodily harm resulting from negligence, after he spiked his wife's drink in 2012. “I wanted to bring new bounce to our love life,” he told the court. “I am endlessly sorry for what I have done.”

His lawyer explained that he had read on the internet that Rohypnol, known under its street name “roofies” triggered feelings of euphoria and sexual arousal.

Yet for the 54-year-old woman this was not the case and after drinking the Capri Sun she fell seriously ill. Doctors put her in an artificial coma for two weeks.

The man, who has cancer of the larynx, also drank some of the Capri Sun and blacked out during a test run. He was taken to the hospital and resolved that no-one should have the Capri Sun.

But his wife, who he had been married to for 34 years, still took the drink on July 12th last year and developed a fever and severe cramps.

The state prosecutor said on Monday that there was no suggestion that the man intended his wife to drink from the spiked juice after he had drunk it himself and become ill. His lawyer said, after the ruling, that he was certain the man would not do it again.


PREMO Member
... still have sexual triggers (I sure hope this is the case anyway). If you've been with someone for a long time, you should know what those triggers are and should be willing to do what it takes to set them off.

Woman to a Man: I am Horny lets F8ck

Man to a Woman: Honey do you want to go shopping for that new Jewelery


or the Blonde Mating Call: I ammm soo Drunkkk


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
How about making a little effort? How about trying to be charming? How about trying to be funny? How about putting in a little work (generally speaking, work shouldn't be needed to get your SO to want to have sex with you; but when it is for whatever reason, you have to be willing to make the effort - or, you know, not have sex)?

Wanna get married? :flowers:

It's too bad they suspended his prison sentence; he could have been having daily sex with zero effort on his part and not even having to drug someone.
Wanna get married? :flowers:

It's too bad they suspended his prison sentence; he could have been having daily sex with zero effort on his part and not even having to drug someone.

You don't believe that I behave in accordance with most of the BS I spout on these forums, do you? :lol:

Anyway, I couldn't take the chance of being married to someone that might one day be able to beat me on the golf course. When my buddies beat me, I can listen to a few minutes of their #### talking and then leave the humiliation behind as I head home. If I thought I might have to continue facing that humiliation when I was home, I might prefer being homeless. :flowers: