Man Code of Ethics


New Member
1. The universal compensation for buddies who help you move is beer.

2. Never hesitate to reach for the last beer or the last slice of pizza,
but not both. That's just plain wrong.

3. Bitching about the brand of free beer in a buddy's refrigerator is
forbidden. You may gripe if the temperature is unsuitable.

4. Any man who brings a camera to a bachelor party may be legally killed
and eaten by his fellow partygoers.

5. Women who claim they "love to watch sports" must be treated as spies
until they demonstrate knowledge of the game and the ability to pick a
buffalo wing clean.

6. If a buddy is outnumbered, out manned, or too drunk to fight, you must
jump into the fight. **Exception: If within the last 24 hours his actions
have caused you to think, "What this guy needs is a good ###-whooping,"
then you may sit back and enjoy.

7. The minimum amount of time you have to wait for another guy who's
running late is 5 minutes. For a woman, you are required to wait 10 minutes
every point of hotness she scores on the classic 1-10 scale.

8. No man is ever required to buy a birthday present for another man. In
fact, even remembering a friend's birthday is strictly optional and
slightly gay.

9. Agreeing to distract the ugly friend of a hot babe your buddy is trying
to hook up with is your legal duty. Should you get carried away with your
good deed and end up having sex with the beast, your pal is forbidden to
speak of it, even at your bachelor party.

10. Before dating a buddy's ex, you are required to ask his permission and
he, in return, is required to grant it.

11. If a man's zipper is down, that's his problem --- you didn't see

12. When stumbling upon other guys watching a sports event, you may always
ask the score of the game in progress, but you may never ask who's playing.

13. It is permissible to consume a 'fruity-chick' drink only when you're
sunning on a tropical beach, and a topless super-model delivers it, and it's

14. Unless you're in prison, never fight naked. (?)

15. A man in the company of a hot, suggestively dressed woman must remain
sober enough to fight.

16. If you compliment a guy on his six-pack, you better be referring to his

17. Never join your girlfriend/wife in dissing a buddy, except when she's
withholding sex pending your response.

18. Never talk to a man in the bathroom unless you're on equal footing:
either both urinating or both waiting in line. In all other situations, a
nod is all the conversation you need.

19. If a buddy is already singing along to a song in the car, you may not
join him...too gay.

20. Thou shall not rent the movie "Chocolat".

21. Under no circumstances may two men share an umbrella


Originally posted by FIREMAN
15. A man in the company of a hot, suggestively dressed woman must remain sober enough to fight.

Her off, of course. :cheesy:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Yeah. I can relate to this code of ethics.

Originally posted by FIREMAN
1slightly gay.

join him...too gay.

BUT, I hate the redefining of English. Gay did not mean homosexual until the 1990's or so. Gay meant happy, and it still should.

Other redefined words:
Liberal - used to mean everything is pretty much ok unless it hurts someone else. Now it means a politician or their supporters that want to take away your rights, because they don't like what you like.

Bad - meaning is now indeffinate, could mean good, cool, neat, or actually bad.

cool - real meaning, slightly cold. redefined into neat, something that is attractive in some way.

neat - orderly. redefined into something that is attractive in some way.

stoned - beaten with rocks by one or more people. redefined into drunk or under the influence of drugs.

And the list goes on.
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New Member
Re: Re: Man Code of Ethics

Originally posted by 2ndAmendment

BUT, I hate the redefining of English. Gay did not mean homosexual until the 1990's or so. Gay meant happy, and it still should.

True true.

I just don't see me using the word gay in another sentence then that. Maybe it just me.

Now lets use an example. I'm walking down the street and a buddie of mine asks me. "Fireman, how are you feeling today."
My resonse is "I'm gay how about you"
My buddie is going to run in the oppisite direction.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Understand. But if we would stand up against the redefining of the words in the first place, we would not face that problem. I can remember my grandmother saying to her friends, "We had such a gay time." I'm sure she was not taking about a homosexual party.


New Member
Re: hey, fireman ..

Originally posted by BchBns
change your title or signature to "I'm feeling a little gay today." :lmao: everyone will know just what a happy guy you are :really:


Anyone else in the forum, feeling a little gay today?
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Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
I'm as gay as a lark.

Lest this be misconstrued, read "gay" as "happy."
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New Member
that 2 people that are having the best darn gay day.

How about you Bch? Are you having an overwheming urge to have a gay day.


New Member
Maybe you could be like the ones that haven't come out of the closet yet.

Well 2nd, I tried. I just don't believe that the word gay can ever go back to the way it was. :cool:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Originally posted by FIREMAN

Well 2nd, I tried. I just don't believe that the word gay can ever go back to the way it was. :cool:
That's what I mean by our language being hijacked. Hate it!


New Member
Originally posted by BchBns
and little sparky the dog ... "Don't Be Gay, Sparky!"

hmm, maybe that's what's wrong w/my dogs; I've been calling them Emmitt and Dakota, and they should really have both been named Sparky :really: there's one mystery solved.
Actually, Emmitt is right on target. There is a very gay guy on Queer As Folk that has the name Emmitt. :lol:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Re: Webster sez:

Originally posted by BchBns
that the word gay means: (4a) homosexual; of, relating to or used by homosexuals.

but I agree 2A ... my personal fave: "Lemme ax you a quession." :rolleyes: :burning:
But the original is number one.

Main Entry: 1gay
Pronunciation: 'gA
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French gai
Date: 14th century
1 a : happily excited : MERRY b : keenly alive and exuberant : having or inducing high spirits
2 a : BRIGHT, LIVELY <gay sunny meadows> b : brilliant in color
3 : given to social pleasures; also : LICENTIOUS
4 a : HOMOSEXUAL b : of, relating to, or used by homosexuals <the gay rights movement> <a gay bar>
synonym see LIVELY
- gay adverb
- gay·ness noun


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Re: What about the Flintstones?

Originally posted by bknarw
"Well have a gayyyy ole....time!!!"


Dancing Up A Storm

Originally posted by 2ndAmendment
I'm as gay as a lark.

Lest this be misconstrued, read "gay" as "happy."
:confused: I'm wondering somethin' here. Who do you think coined the new meaning of the word "gay"? I could be wrong, but might it have been the GAY community in order to stop other people from referring to them as "queer"?
