Man Famous for NYC Cop Shootout killed in prison



Larry Gude

Strung Out
This isn't funny...

...nor justice.

We've allowed our prisons to become criminal colleges where people come out even better crooks than when they went in. Jail should be punishment for your crimes; loss of your freedom for an appropriate amount of time. It should not be a place where extra-judicial punishment is meted out. It should not be a place where you become more violent and/or more practiced at crime.

Ignoring the state of our prisons out of spite of lenient judges and slick lawyers is not right.


Well-Known Member
...nor justice.

We've allowed our prisons to become criminal colleges where people come out even better crooks than when they went in. Jail should be punishment for your crimes; loss of your freedom for an appropriate amount of time. It should not be a place where extra-judicial punishment is meted out. It should not be a place where you become more violent and/or more practiced at crime.

Ignoring the state of our prisons out of spite of lenient judges and slick lawyers is not right.

I'm fond of prisoner lock-down 24/7.:yahoo:


Well-Known Member
...nor justice.

We've allowed our prisons to become criminal colleges where people come out even better crooks than when they went in. Jail should be punishment for your crimes; loss of your freedom for an appropriate amount of time. It should not be a place where extra-judicial punishment is meted out. It should not be a place where you become more violent and/or more practiced at crime.

Ignoring the state of our prisons out of spite of lenient judges and slick lawyers is not right.

You are absolutely right and I apologize. I should not have let my personal feelings for an a$$hole that shoots at cops to have influenced my judgement.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

You are absolutely right and I apologize. I should not have let my personal feelings for an a$$hole that shoots at cops to have influenced my judgement.

...that's not what I mean. As far as I'm concerned this guy was a candidate for the chair. All I am saying is they are our prisons, they should not be animal cages.


Well-Known Member
...that's not what I mean. As far as I'm concerned this guy was a candidate for the chair. All I am saying is they are our prisons, they should not be animal cages.

Okay, I'm kinda confused about this statement Larry...please elaborate.:bubble:


...nor justice.

We've allowed our prisons to become criminal colleges where people come out even better crooks than when they went in. Jail should be punishment for your crimes; loss of your freedom for an appropriate amount of time. It should not be a place where extra-judicial punishment is meted out. It should not be a place where you become more violent and/or more practiced at crime.

Ignoring the state of our prisons out of spite of lenient judges and slick lawyers is not right.

Agreed, we should execute far more than we do.


Well-Known Member
The guy couldn't be all that bad, he was in jail for killing a drug dealer and suspected of killing 5 other dealers. A little more time and he might have solved New York's drug problem.


The guy couldn't be all that bad, he was in jail for killing a drug dealer and suspected of killing 5 other dealers. A little more time and he might have solved New York's drug problem.


He explained that the reasoning behind his shootout w/ NYPD was that he had info on their corruption and they didn't want him to squeal. :shrug:


New Member
Well I agree with you Larry,but it wasnt me who gave all the prisoners time out of their cells to watch TV in general population, or time out of their cells to excercise with gym equipment or any of the other things that normal civilised people can do.

When you allow these criminals to fraternise with each other in a public space and allow them to intermingle,sooner or later someone dies. It isnt the guards who dish out this extra-judicial punishment.

The only way to stop it is to lock them all in their individual cages and not allow them to mix. Cruel? Inhuman? Sure , its a shame to have to treat them so badly after all they are such nice people.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I am not making...

The only way to stop it is to lock them all in their individual cages and not allow them to mix. Cruel? Inhuman? Sure , its a shame to have to treat them so badly after all they are such nice people. point very well because if isolating every last one of them is what it takes to make jail...jail, and eliminate the 'office behind bars' atmosphere and to stop the extrajudicial violence, then that works for me.


New Member
...nor justice.

We've allowed our prisons to become criminal colleges where people come out even better crooks than when they went in. Jail should be punishment for your crimes; loss of your freedom for an appropriate amount of time. It should not be a place where extra-judicial punishment is meted out. It should not be a place where you become more violent and/or more practiced at crime.

Ignoring the state of our prisons out of spite of lenient judges and slick lawyers is not right.

Capital punishment...end of problem. I am sick of my tax dollars going to feed, clothe and educate these animals. The zoo is closed.........


Football addict
The only way to stop it is to lock them all in their individual cages and not allow them to mix. Cruel? Inhuman? Sure , its a shame to have to treat them so badly after all they are such nice people.
That's also a utopian view. When some of these inmates get out, they'll be less likely to make nice with the society that they must intermingle with. No, they'll be more likely to not know how to intermingle 'correctly' with that society and the cost to that society will be great.

We're not solving crime in America by throwing millions in prison, we're putting temporary band-aids on it.


New Member
That won't work, where do you draw the line?

What line....murder is murder.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Murder is the unlawful killing of a human person with malice aforethought. Murder is generally distinguished from other forms of homicide by the elements of malice aforethought and the lack of lawful justification. All jurisdictions, ancient and modern, consider it a most serious crime. Most jurisdictions impose a severe penalty for its commission.


Football addict
What line....murder is murder.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Murder is the unlawful killing of a human person with malice aforethought. Murder is generally distinguished from other forms of homicide by the elements of malice aforethought and the lack of lawful justification. All jurisdictions, ancient and modern, consider it a most serious crime. Most jurisdictions impose a severe penalty for its commission.
You didn't identify which animals. They could have been exclusively murderers or all prison inmates in general.