Man Killed in P.G. Just Prior to Moving


Methodically disorganized
Yesterday evening (5p), FOX5 reported a story about a man who was murdered while preparing to transfer his family out of the area (Temple Hills). The level of violence in their county was a particular worry. He was parked at a shopping center and on the phone with his sister when she heard a man come behind her brother and say, "You gonna call the cops on me?" then there was a single gunshot a few seconds later. The sister could not be sure, but one can imagine that there was a minor traffic infraction or something and the dude went into a rage for nothing.

I could not, surprisingly, find this story on anyone's website. But there is this related story: PG Police Defend Crime Strategy.
Since Jan. 1, there have been 97 homicides in the Prince George's, compared to 80 in the same time last year.
Coming to a town near you...


Routinely Derailed
And the slime will continue to spread. Very sad about the man and his family - the story is one of probably hundreds like it.


Set Trippin
No respect or appreciation for the gift of life, people like this do not even deserve the gift...:burning:


Lovin' being Texican
You realize that you're all subject to being called racists for this thread? In Charles County one of the County Commissioners questioned the Sheriff about whether he had enough funds to defend against the crimewave spreading from the North. He was villified by the NAACP, the "We-Be-The-Victims" bureau and the local newspaper for being a racist. The fact that he was right we never mentioned.


Well-Known Member
Lenny said:
You realize that you're all subject to being called racists for this thread? In Charles County one of the County Commissioners questioned the Sheriff about whether he had enough funds to defend against the crimewave spreading from the North. He was villified by the NAACP, the "We-Be-The-Victims" bureau and the local newspaper for being a racist. The fact that he was right we never mentioned.
Where is Bill Cosby when you need him?


New Member
Lenny said:
You realize that you're all subject to being called racists for this thread? In Charles County one of the County Commissioners questioned the Sheriff about whether he had enough funds to defend against the crimewave spreading from the North. He was villified by the NAACP, the "We-Be-The-Victims" bureau and the local newspaper for being a racist. The fact that he was right we never mentioned.
That's why none of the aforementioned entities have any credibility whatsoever.... :bubble: They're all just a bunch of :blahblah: :blahblah: and most of the public just goes :lalala:


Methodically disorganized
Lenny said:
You realize that you're all subject to being called racists for this thread?
:lmao: Retarded wackjobs scare me not. :loser: I would simply ask them to show me some numbers that prove how P.G.'s increasing crime rate and pathetic police work are not negatively affecting Chuck Co.


Methodically disorganized
ct20657 said:
I'm from Temple Hills it was getting bad there 13 yrs ago when i moved from there to Calvert Co.
So am I; I lived in that exact area for ~9 years ('85 - '94). I had lived in other nearby areas prior, along with the rest of my family. Slowly, we migrated down here; I moved in '96.

I have never been a Waldorf fan, but I did like that there was enough of a 'buffer' with P.G. that the idiots wouldn't bother coming this way. Now that So. MD is hot property there is no boundary, no hindrance. Any innocence So. MD used to claim is quickly eroding away and, what's worse, it seems law enforcement is racing to keep pace.


Football addict
Railroad said:
And the slime will continue to spread. Very sad about the man and his family - the story is one of probably hundreds like it.
mainman said:
No respect or appreciation for the gift of life, people like this do not even deserve the gift...:burning:
Stuff like this angers me and makes me strive harder in school/work to hopefully, one day, put these mofo's behind bars.