Man Vs. Food


This Space for Rent
You know how you look around at those skinny people that never need to workout but eat like you? We all have seen them. Well - maybe he is one of those people but he eats ten times what you eat, so he is now that size. :shrug:


You know how you look around at those skinny people that never need to workout but eat like you? We all have seen them. Well - maybe he is one of those people but he eats ten times what you eat, so he is now that size. :shrug:

Could be.

See the ting is he does to this place and he samples a half dozen things. then he does the challenge, something like a 5 pound hamburger or a 7 pound cheese steak. You have to assume it is shot in one day because he is dressed the same throughout the episode.

So his "samples" include a bunch of eating then a monster challenge. The food he eats is not even remotely healthy either so it is not just the weight, cholesterol, salt, it is cringe inducing even for me.


He wins fairly often. He won last night consuming a 5 - thirds, cheese burger. 5 pounds of burger in about 30 minutes.


I've watched from season 1 and I'd say his win/lost is about 50/50. He has to have a cast iron stomach to do some of those hot wings challanges.


Cleopatra Jones
I thought he was adorable until I started watching the show. Now he just grosses me out. LOVE the show though.


New Member

I've watched from season 1 and I'd say his win/lost is about 50/50. He has to have a cast iron stomach to do some of those hot wings challanges.[/quote

Those hot wings are crazy! Especially when he drinks the milk and STILL can turn off the fire in his mouth!:drool:


New Member
On the travel channel.

How does that guy not weigh 500 pounds?

I read an article on him the other day and they were questioning the same thing. He said that he's not a big eater during the week and that he also runs. But i do agree, with all the food that he eats and how unhealthy it is, you would think he would be larger than he is!


I know it's an old thread, but watching this now and I like the show, but it's pretty bad when you have to wear rubber gloves to eat something because it's so hot. He did it though, no one else could.