I'm getting tired of that word. For people who have been formally educated in communication, the news heads don't seem to be particularly well-versed in creative (not to mention correct) language usage.
man·i·fes·to (măn'ə-fĕs'tō)
A public declaration of principles, policies, or intentions, especially of a political nature.
A better description of the Cho crap would be:
di·a·tribe (dī'ə-trīb')
A bitter, abusive denunciation.
man·i·fes·to (măn'ə-fĕs'tō)
A public declaration of principles, policies, or intentions, especially of a political nature.
A better description of the Cho crap would be:
di·a·tribe (dī'ə-trīb')
A bitter, abusive denunciation.