Dear Marylanders,
Today I signed emergency bipartisan legislation that makes Maryland the first state in the nation to enact an immediate suspension of the gas tax.
As we continue to stand in solidarity against Russian aggression in Ukraine and as Marylanders face the impact of surging inflation with the average price of gas rapidly rising, this bipartisan action will provide some relief from the pain at the pump, and it is possible because of the prudent fiscal steps we have taken, which have resulted in a record budget surplus.
This is not a cure-all, and market instability will continue to lead to fluctuations in prices, but we will continue to use every tool at our disposal to provide relief for Marylanders.
In these uncertain times, Maryland has once again shown that we can still come together across party lines to put people’s priorities first and to deliver real, bipartisan common sense solutions to the serious problems that face us.