March - National Women's History Month


Ubi bene ibi patria
"Each year, March is designated as National Women’s History Month to ensure that the history of American women will be recognized and celebrated in schools, workplaces, and communities throughout the country. The stories of women's historic achievements present an expanded view of the complexity and contradiction of living a full and purposeful life.

The knowledge of women's history provides a more expansive vision of what a woman can do. This perspective can encourage girls and women to think larger and bolder and can give boys and men a fuller understanding of the female experience."

National Women's History Project


But wait, there's more...
:tap: Where's JPC? I expect him to show up here kissing my ass for the years of oppression we women suffered ... not being able to vote, work, not earning equal pay for equal work, being made to serve as a slave to our penile-bearing husbands. I want reparations, dammit! :bubble:


Go Bills!
:tap: Where's JPC? I expect him to show up here kissing my ass for the years of oppression we women suffered ... not being able to vote, work, not earning equal pay for equal work, being made to serve as a slave to our penile-bearing husbands. I want reparations, dammit! :bubble:
