Marcus Vick Kicked Off Team


Time for a nap
Virginia Tech quarterback Marcus Vick was dismissed from the team Friday, the result of numerous legal transgressions and his unsportsmanlike conduct in the Gator Bowl.

As a Virginia Tech fan, I am extremely disappointed in Marcus Vick and the entire Virginia Tech team.

Not only did Vick stomp on the other player's ankle during the Gator Bowl, but an additional player took a swing at one of the refs and was ejected. I never thought I'd say this, but Virginia Tech is becoming a team of thugs.

Tech used to have a good team, full of athletes like Michael Vick (not Marcus). We used to be able to beat teams like Miami with our eyes closed (well, sort of) and even called the Miami players "thugs," while we played a clean game of Beamer Ball. Ahhh, those were the days...

Here lies a disheartened Tech fan. Maybe I need to find a new team to root for...any suggestions?


Football season!
Marcus blew a golden opportunity. The guy simply is not very bright.

As for Williams being tossed from game, you'll have to watch that again. Williams was talking to the loserville bench (which he shouldn't have been doing anyways) and the ref came up behind him and grabbed him. He spun around and when he realized it was a ref he walked away.

The ref later said that williams didn't touch him or swing at him. So go figure. Looks like his "bad boy" image got him in trouble.

That Gator bowl had to be one of the worst called games ever. The BS penalties on both sides, and then how did none of them not see Marcus step on the guy??? he was the one with the ball! at least one should have been looking that way to know where to spot the ball.


Nothing to see here
SmallTown said:
Marcus blew a golden opportunity. The guy simply is not very bright.

As for Williams being tossed from game, you'll have to watch that again. Williams was talking to the loserville bench (which he shouldn't have been doing anyways)

You said exactly enough there and answered the question. Smack talk is killing all sports, it needs to stop. Toss em all, be it a Hokie, a Terp, a Redskin, whoever.


New Member
CityGrl said:
If someone had their way, I would be an automatic Notre Dame fan. :lmao:

You should be...a program with class from the beginning of time.

Virginia Tech has never placed class at the top of their list of priorites. The way they handled this Vick situation proves it. Think about it, Vick was pulled over and charged with driving on a suspended license on December 17th. They didn't even do anything about it until AFTER the Gator Bowl because they wanted the victory so badly.

Good riddance to Marcus Vick...Hopefully VT will turn around and decide to place a bigger emphasis on how you win, rather than if you win.


I watched VT play Georgia Tech near the end of last year. They won the game coming from behind, good football players but they were taunting and acting like total asses.

I am sure VT is not the only team of thugs out there but they are sure in the limelight now.

RR has a good point. Nothing like the school being timely. Wait until after their big game to "act" like they have class and punish Vick.

Sportsmanship needs to be brought back into sports.


New Member
To the chiken #### who red karma'd me with a "nice contribution" response. #1...sign your name if you're so cool. contribution WAS that she should follow Penn State. #####.


Football season!
rraley said:
You should be...a program with class from the beginning of time.
Oh? Which is why Ty was axed from his 5 year contract after three years? Aftering being told ND always honors their contracts. I think you meant it is a "White program with class"
Even with the great new coach, a bowl loss next year sets the record... 10 straight.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
To be fair...

Think about it, Vick was pulled over and charged with driving on a suspended license on December 17th. They didn't even do anything about it until AFTER the Gator Bowl because they wanted the victory so badly. shouldn't just suspend people for being charged. I have no problem with waiting until the issue is resolved. He wasn't charged with rape or murder or being a Democrat, not even an accident.

Now, on the other hand, there IS room to critisize good ol' VT because, ahem, Mr. Vick has NINE prior driving issues.

As for who loves the Pope most sweepstakes, I do think it was a discredit to Our Lady by ditching Willingham as they did.


Lem Putt
Larry Gude said: shouldn't just suspend people for being charged. I have no problem with waiting until the issue is resolved. He wasn't charged with rape or murder or being a Democrat, not even an accident.

Now, on the other hand, there IS room to critisize good ol' VT because, ahem, Mr. Vick has NINE prior driving issues.

As for who loves the Pope most sweepstakes, I do think it was a discredit to Our Lady by ditching Willingham as they did.

I agree that you shouldn't be suspended for being charged, but the coaches could have called him in and asked him:

Coach: "Were you driving without a valid license?"

Thug: "Yup."

Coach: "B'bye"

I finally saw the clip of the leg stomping. You can't get much more blatant. If he'd admitted he did it and showed remorse, he'd probably be suspended instead of kicked. He claims he has apologized, but the player he stomped says that isn't true.

I think he'll go the way of Maurice Clarett.