Marijuana causes brain damage: study


Lawful neutral

Pot smokers may want to think twice before lighting up their next joint.

Australian scientists have proved the long-held suspicion that persistent heavy marijuana use damages the brain's memory and learning capacity.

Researchers also showed for the first time the earlier people developed their cannabis habit, the worse the damage.

Scientists from Melbourne's Murdoch Childrens Research Institute (MCRI), Melbourne University and Wollongong University used Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to scan the brains of 59 people who had been using marijuana for 15 years on average.

The images were compared with scans of 33 healthy people who had never used the drug.

The scans measured changes to the volume, strength and integrity of white matter, the brain's complex wiring system.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
As if we not did know whatever it was not that what we were not uhhh cool, man! talking about it while while while what?

This is news? I guess the only people to be surprised with this will be those that find out how much this study cost whatever Australian tax payers are called.

Wow, man - rool another doob......
As if we not did know whatever it was not that what we were not uhhh cool, man! talking about it while while while what?

This is news? I guess the only people to be surprised with this will be those that find out how much this study cost whatever Australian tax payers are called.


Puff, puff, pass... man..... puff, puff, pass.


New Member
junk science and irresponsible conclusions based off junk science.

rupert murdoch is behind this and he is the modern day William Randolph Hearst.


Well-Known Member
New research out of Spain suggests that THC -- the active ingredient in marijuana -- appears to prompt the death of brain cancer cells.

Using electron microscopes to analyze brain tissue taken both before and after a 26- to 30-day THC treatment regimen, the researchers found that THC eliminated cancer cells while it left healthy cells intact.

Active Ingredient in Marijuana Kills Brain Cancer Cells - US News and World Report

So, why doesn't the government want to use marijuana as a cancer treatment? Because it is a threat to prohibition.