I won't go near leftist website Snopes. Don't want them getting my clicks.
The original article does mention it is the breakfast meal, and explains the social importance of the meal, as it is the one time of day that the day and night shifts see each other. And as someone who has worked the night shift for 15 years, I can tell you that one person's breakfast is another person's dinner. So, l SNOPES can try to minimize it all they want, but it's still a cold meal. Let those arseholes at Snopes eat MRE's every day once a day for 6 months, if it's so insignificant of a sacrifice. I can't imagine that conditions are exactly luxurious at Camp Leatherneck, even by military standards.
Surely there are better places to cut costs during the drawdown - or to hell with it - DONT cut back on what little comforts they have at all. Surely, in a country where we spend millions on frivolous "studies", we can spend what little it takes to make sure these marines know they're remembered and appreciated while they're away.