Marlborough Horse Trials Jumper Derby Reminder


Just a reminder that the Marlborough Horse Trials Jumper Derby is tomorrow, Saturday March 27th. It starts at 9am and will be held at Rosaryville State Park!

More info on their website here: Marlborough Horse Trials

Hope to see you there!


New Member
ugh i thought for sure they would cancel this or move it again. too wet for me to attempt this unfortunately.


New Member
I'm glad they were able to have it. Every year I say, "should've gone!" I barely got off the couch yesterday.....


Awesome! Did you ride or take pictures or both? Wish I could've been there, hopefully next year! :buddies:

I took pictures and I jumped a couple jumps with Shelby. :killingme

I just got inside from doing yard work after shooting at the BEST show. Now, I need to feed and shower then, I can start working on pictures.