Marlow Heights 60s and 70s Newsletter 021906


Cyber Cop
Dear Friends of Marlow Heights 60s and 70s:

We're back in business and I've been busy adding new content to the site. I've been in my house in upper Silver Spring for three weeks and finally feel settled in. I wanted to thank the people that dug through old boxes in their attic to provide the pictures from way back when:

If anyone remembers the Silver Hill Boys Club (I played football and baseball there), I have some pictures. This one is of an old Silver Hill jacket, a Silver Hill patch, an old Silver Hill basketball jersey, and a team photo from a 1974 awards gathering. Check out the coach--he was one super fly dude! And check out those plain pants and "butterfly" collars.

Anyone that attended Benjamin Stoddert Jr. High School will appreciate these two photos. The first one is a shot of the main hallway from 1978, and you can see one of the clocks on the wall that we used to jump up and tag (well, those of us who weren't that tall yet, anyway!). This next one is bittersweet. It is a photo of the much beloved and very popular math teacher, Mr. Zeman, from March 1973 (I was finishing 9th grade then). There are also updates to the, "Whatever Happened To...?", pages. Check them out and see if you can find something new about an old friend or classmate.

Happy ending type stuff here. A couple that met and dated back in 1969 reunited via, a span of 35 years. I'm happy to report that on Valentines Day they became engaged.

Anyone attend Sandymount Elementary? There's new class photo here (Mrs. Kingsley, '68-'69), as well as a picture of a helicopter flying over the school.

The very popular Guest Book now has 132 entries. That's 132 people that are collectively our old friends, neighbors, classmates, and relatives from Marlow Heights and vicinity, including some that still live in the area. I also convinced the hosting site for the Guest Book to increase the, "Comments", field to 3000 characters. They are also working on a way to make that field configurable by subscribers (me), which will allow me to increase that area even more. Additionally, I'm trying to get the hosting site to include a search function, so you can look up specific names, places, etc. throughout all the entries. Right now all you can do is use your browser's search function to look through one displayed page at a time. Since each page in the Guest Book is 25 entries, that's all you can search through at a time. Anyway, stay tuned for further enhancements.

Keep the memories alive,