Marlow Heights 60s and 70s Newsletter 041507


Cyber Cop
Dear Friends of Marlow Heights 60s and 70s:

This is to let everyone know that the third Mighty Mo reunion will be this June 9-10th, at the Antietam Gallery, Sharpsburg, Maryland (Telephone 301-432-5868). In addition to the Mighty Mo’s (aka Royal Burgers at Jr. Hot Shoppes), fries, onion rings as you remember them, and Orange Freezes, there will be the vaunted Hot Shoppes Hot Fudge Cake! As someone that worked at Jr. Hot Shoppes (Iverson Mall) I can tell you that they have the recipe down pretty good. If you’ve been having a taste for those old Marriott classics, don’t put it off, because in a few years this sort of thing will be gone forever.

Silver Hill Boys Club Yearbook and Annual Awards Banquet booklet. I added a couple of pages to include a Silver Hill Boys Club Awards Banquet of ’67-68, and the 1972 yearbook. These are Flash photo galleries, so to zoom in on a page, put your cursor over a selected page, right click, and select Zoom In. To get back, use your browser’s Back function.

Also added a picture of the 1968 150lb football team:

Potomac High School, Class of ’77 30-year reunion. Here’s the details:

Speaking of Potomac, I’ve added a picture of the 1971 yearbook cover:

There is interest for a “local” get together this year for alumni of Potomac’s Class of ’76. If so interested, let me know so we can start putting something together. Some have suggested consolidating previous/following graduating classes, and that’s fine.

Silver Hill Boys Club baseball team, ’72 or ’73 “Padres”, Coach Cato? Anyone else on this team? I was.

Billy Hull and Dennis Spears. Billy lived up the street from me in Deer Park, and we’ve been friends since we were 9 or 10, so that’s going back 40 years. Great friend. Remember, “Pleasant Sunday”, and, “The Girl on my Mind”, Billy? I’ve known Dennis (Dink) for almost as long, going back since we were 14 or 15:

Jr. Hot Shoppes apron and nametag. My old friend, Dennis Spears, still has his old Jr Hot Shoppes apron and name tag:


Added a couple of recollections from Linda B. and Martin T.:

Potomac Class of ’70 has a chat room on Yahoo:

Jr. Hot Shoppes/Iverson Mall and Crossland Class of ’67:

Many, many more additions planned to the site. Stay tuned.

Keep the memories alive,