Marlow Heights 60s and 70s Newsletter 080507


Cyber Cop
Dear Friends of Marlow Heights 60s and 70s:

DeMoreland's ice cream parlor

A site visitor, Carol, who lived in Marlow Overlook apartments from ’62-’65, supplied the name of this ice cream parlor, which was in that little strip of places that included 7-11 and the Dallas Kitchen, across from the Fairlanes Bowling Alley, off of St. Barnabas Road. By ’68 or so, the ice cream parlor had closed, and it became a dry cleaners. That 7-11 was the place where I used to bring countless returnable soda bottles for pocket change, and the Dallas Kitchen for pizza.

That Was Then This Is Now

Potomac High School Class of ’76 30-Year Reunion

A classmate of mine from Stoddert and Potomac, Steve Lund, provided a new photo of the Potomac Class of ’76 30-year reunion:

Steve also asked, as have some other classmates, about having reunion next year, to commemorate most of us in the class turning the, “Big 5-0”. Classmates, I need your feedback, to decide if this is something we can arrange ourselves, or if we’ll need the services of a, “Reunion”, company.

Guest Book

We now have 258 entries in the Guest Book. This is a great place to read first person accounts of how it was back in Marlow Heights and vicinity during the 60s and 70s, as well as a means to possibly look up old friends and classmates.

Mighty Mo Reunion

I heard from the Mighty Mo Reunion organizers that they intend to have a 4th annual (and beyond) Mighty Mo Reunion in June 2008. The featured print should be of the original Ledo’s Pizza at its original University Boulevard location.

Keep the memories alive,


Cyber Cop
u gotta love me said:
Thanks for posting your threads, your site brings back many many memories. Marlow Heights has changed to much over the years.

Thanks for the appreciation. I do know that many people in the SOMD forums originally were from Marlow Heights and vicinity. Yes, that area has changed, but mostly the people, because when I visit most of it looks the same to me. Anyway, my site is about the memories of Marlow Heights and vicinity of the 60s and 70s, not what's going on there today.

Keep the memories alive,