Mars Rovers keep right on ticking..


Nothing to see here
Nearly two years after landing on the Red Planet, NASA exploration rovers Spirit and Opportunity continue to send back amazing images and information about Mars in a mission long outpacing expectations. Since landing on opposite sides of Mars in January 2004, the US space agency's two robotic explorers have plowed over five kilometers (three miles) of the planet's surface and sent back more than 130,000 pictures, many of them stunning depictions of a desolate, arid but highly varied landscape.

The two also continue to reveal Mars' geological secrets, digging into soil and overturning rocks to provide evidence that water once featured on the planet's surface, creating possibly habitable conditions.

But what has equally pleased the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is that the two rovers have far exceeded their 90-day missions, lasting through one full Mars year -- 669 Mars days, the equivalent of 687 Earth days.

Rest of the story..


otter said:
Nearly two years after landing on the Red Planet, NASA exploration rovers Spirit and Opportunity continue to send back amazing images and information about Mars in a mission long outpacing expectations. Since landing on opposite sides of Mars in January 2004, the US space agency's two robotic explorers have plowed over five kilometers (three miles) of the planet's surface and sent back more than 130,000 pictures, many of them stunning depictions of a desolate, arid but highly varied landscape.

The two also continue to reveal Mars' geological secrets, digging into soil and overturning rocks to provide evidence that water once featured on the planet's surface, creating possibly habitable conditions.

But what has equally pleased the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is that the two rovers have far exceeded their 90-day missions, lasting through one full Mars year -- 669 Mars days, the equivalent of 687 Earth days.

Rest of the story..

yaknow....not that i'm a skeptic or anything, but if they landed on opposite sides of the planet, and have only covered a few miles between them, How are there pictures of the rovers themselves?
Did they set up a lil tripod an say cheese?


It is amazing how durable those things are. I found a pic of one of them and then it was clear why. See for yourself.

<img src="" alt="Image hosted by">


HollowSoul said:
yaknow....not that i'm a skeptic or anything, but if they landed on opposite sides of the planet, and have only covered a few miles between them, How are there pictures of the rovers themselves?
Did they set up a lil tripod an say cheese?
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