Martin Sheen


Give Martin Sheen a Taste of His Own Medicine!

Left-wing actor Martin Sheen is on TV urging his fellow appeasement activists to harass the White House and Senate with a bombardment of phone, fax and e-mail messages. Now it's time to see if Sheen and his ilk can take what they dish out.

Sheen's front group pompously, hilariously calls itself "Artists [sic] United to Win Without War." Its co-chairmen are has-been TV "artist" Mike Farrell and Robert Greenwald. Its executive director is Kate McArdle. Phone: 1-310-204-2581. Be sure to tell the "artists" what you think of them.

More contact information for "Win Without War": Phone 1-202-478-3429, or e-mail

Why not e-mail the "artist" Sheen at "The West Wing"?

One question to asky Marty: If a war with Iraq really would be about oil, as he claims, why wouldn't he support that ... to heat his multiple mansions?


Talk about a cornucopia of left wing outfits!

American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
Business Leaders for Sensible Priorities
Campaign for UN Reform
Council for a Livable World
Conference of Major Superiors of Men
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Fourth Freedom Forum
Global Exchange
Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR)
National Council of Churches
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
National Organization for Women (NOW)
NETWORK A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby
Oxfam America
Pax Christi USA
Peace Action
Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR)
Rainbow/Push Coalition
Sierra Club
The Tikkun Community
Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations
United Methodist Church General Board of Church and Society
Us Foundation
Veterans for Common Sense
Women's Action for New Directions (WAND)
Working Assets

I checked out some of the lesser known sites, and they all had a common thread... "TELL BUSH TO..." None of them said "TELL HUSSEIN TO..." I guess that says it all. Oh... and their website has the following descriptor - "A mainstream voice advocating alternatives to preemptive war against Iraq." "Mainstream"? what the heck stream are they in? :biggrin:
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Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member

Is that a list of all the places we're dropping ordnance when the battle begins?



I couldn't find an address for Sheen, but I did email Farrell with the letter below...

Mr Farrell,

I am writing you in regards to your stand on the pending war with Iraq, and as a veteran with 10 years of service to our country. I have served during times of war, and I have seen the toll that war takes on both the United States and our allies and enemies, and I am firmly behind President Bush in regards to forcibly disarming Iraq and deposing Saddam Hussein from power.

I do agree with you that this war is about oil, but not in the same way that you do. In the late 1930s and early 40s, and during World War II, we fought Adolph Hitler and the Nazis, and Tojo and the Japanese, despite the fact that they posed no immediate threat to the United States (aside from shooting at us from light submarine guns.) We fought these nations because we knew that we could not afford to have a totalitarian regimes run by manianical dictators controlling the governments of our primary trading partners. That would have spelled disaster for our national economy. Now we are faced with the threat of a new dictator who has publicly stated that he feels a devine mandate to take over and control all of the Arab states. Can you imagine what the effect on the US economy would be if that happened? Also remember that while the US only gets about 1/3rd of oil from the Gulf states, Europe and Japan get almost all of their oil from these nations. We have already seen France turn its back on the US to protect their oil assets, how many other nations would do the same if Hussein gained control of their taps? What would many of the working poor of our country do if gasoline soared to $5-$10 a gallon? Bread to $5 a loaf? Milk to $15 a gallon? Our economy would be devastated and our rleationships with other countries would be held hostage.

While countries like India, Pakistan, and others possess nuclear weapons, they do not have the same stated goal of Saddam Hussein of taking over a vital segment of the world's natural resources. They may threaten one another, but they do not threaten the world.

Personally, I am quite tired of having to continually send out service members off to the Middle East solely because these people cannot resolve their own differences and get along. This was the exact same situation that prior US generations dealt with on the Eurpoean continent, and the problem was solved with the formation of NATO. It is my hope that President Bush invades Iraq, deposes Hussein, and helps bring democracy to the people of Iraq. I also hope that he follows the lead of Presidents Truman, Eisenhower, and others and maintains a strong US and Allied presence in the region to stabilize the Middle East just as we did with Europe. I think that this is a far better alternative to risking our economy, hiding from terrorists, and sending our service people out to fight losing battles between dictators.

Thank you for your attention and I appreciate your time.


Football season!
Turned onto crossfire for a few minutes last night... Pretty funny stuff... Since you mentioned left wingers harassing the white house and congress with phone calls, e-mails, etc, I figured you would enjoy this one as well

"Well, Helen Thomas is a legend. She's the dean of the White House press corps, and she's known and covered every American president since John F. Kennedy. In a candid moment, Ms. Thomas spoke a powerful truth. "George W. Bush," she said, "is the worst president in all of American history." Given how Mr. Bush has squandered the surplus, trashed the economy and is now hurdling toward a war that is unpopular, unjust, unwise and unwarranted, I think I see Helen's point. Now, the GOP has moved into smear mode. The Republican National Committee urging is faithful to, quote, "call her out," unquote, which apparently means harassing Helen by e-mail, and phone, and fax. I guess nothing makes a Republican feel better than beating up on an 82-year-old woman. "


That's another thing that you have to love about Dems. They can dish it out all day long, but heaven forbid you call them on something. Then you're attacking them, invading their space, etc.

Anyone catch Brian Kilmeade taking Janeane Garafalo apart on Fox & Friends yesterday? I don't think I've ever laughed so hard during the news before. I wish all news people would press these Hollyweird foreign policy experts the way Kilmeade did.


Originally posted by Bruzilla
Anyone catch Brian Kilmeade taking Janeane Garafalo apart on Fox & Friends yesterday? I don't think I've ever laughed so hard during the news before. I wish all news people would press these Hollyweird foreign policy experts the way Kilmeade did.

It was great! I watched it last night and like you laughed. Glad to see Brian had the b@#ls to go after her and the crap she was saying.