Mary Trump’s takedown of president proves she’s the one who’s crazy


PREMO Member
The titular bogeyman is, of course, her uncle, President Donald J. Trump, who’s presented here as a cross between Hannibal Lecter and Bozo the Clown — a frightening and ridiculous figure who looms titanic over every aspect of Mary’s waking and sleeping life. In 214 often bleak, raw and tear-jerking pages, she sets out to avenge the untimely death of her father, Frederick Christ Trump Jr., known as Freddy.

As she tells it, Donald’s once-handsome and vital older brother, the guy bred to run the Trump family real-estate business, died, broken and bitter, in 1981 at age 42. Mary was 16. Both were forced to watch passively, she writes, as Freddy’s dimmer and less-talented little bro not only usurped his birthright and grabbed heaps of cash from his father Fred Sr., but ran the company into the ground before, by some unjust fluke of nature, being elected leader of the free world.

Her reason for telling the tale now is simple and urgent: Mary Trump believes, with the conviction of the Hillary Clinton supporter she was, that she must prevent her uncle’s re-election — by any means necessary.

It is a family tragedy worthy of Shakespeare, and, like The Bard’s work, it is one of fiction. Because, as Mary Trump acknowledges reluctantly, Freddy Trump never wanted to work for Trump Management, and did everything in his power to escape, earning his pilot’s license, buying fishing boats and fancy cars, and attempting to live as something his grandfather sneeringly called a “chauffeur in the sky.’’