Campaign Highlights Importance of Sobriety on the Waterways
Operation Dry Water weekend, July 2-4, includes amplified recreational boater outreach, education, and coordinated enforcement surrounding boating under the influence.
Alcohol use continues to be the leading known contributing factor in recreational boater deaths and a leading contributor in boating accidents. Consuming alcohol impairs judgment and reaction time and creates dangerous circumstances while boating. Additionally, alcohol use by passengers presents a danger regardless of whether the operator is consuming alcohol or not.
“Our main priority is the safety of our residents,” Maryland NRP Superintendent Col. Adrian Baker said. “While we understand that boating is a great experience for all, safety is paramount. Marylanders can expect our officers out in full force working to identify and remove dangerous and impaired operators.
“NRP will also remind boaters to practice safe boating by encouraging them to wear their life jackets and enroll in a boating course. An educated boater is a smart boater.”
Boaters can learn more about boating under the influence by visiting Operation Dry Water is coordinated nationally by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators in partnership with the U.S. Coast Guard.