Maryland Barbie Dolls


Live2Ride; Ride2Live
riverrat said:
Has anyone seen this? It was just emailed to me this morning.

Now that was funny. :killingme I haven't laugh so hard in my life .:killingme I have to share this with my friends...

Richard Cranium

New Member
Missed one...

You forgot to mention Calvert County Ken.....

Comes with CraigsList on a laptop, 4x6 rainbow flag, Toyota Corolla, 10 different metrosexual wardrobes, complete with an upcoming vacation to Massachusetts to get a civil union with Calvert County Kerry.


New Member
:killingme :killingme :lmao:

This was great! The only one missing is Anne Arundel County - complete with the sailor outfit, 85 ft sailboat, token daughter, "Skipper," and Infiniti SUV. They dine only at Carroll's Creek Cafe or Harry Browne's and consider the City Dock area their personal playground.