Press Release: Maryland Dept. of Agriculture
27 Working Farms, 3,713 Additional Acres of Farmland Permanently Preserved ANNAPOLIS, MD – The Maryland Board of Public Works approved 27 new Maryland Agricultural Preservation Foundation (MALPF) easements during a board meeting held on July 7. These easements will permanently preserve an additional 3,713 acres of prime farmland in Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Caroline, Carroll, Charles, Read the Rest...
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27 Working Farms, 3,713 Additional Acres of Farmland Permanently Preserved ANNAPOLIS, MD – The Maryland Board of Public Works approved 27 new Maryland Agricultural Preservation Foundation (MALPF) easements during a board meeting held on July 7. These easements will permanently preserve an additional 3,713 acres of prime farmland in Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Caroline, Carroll, Charles, Read the Rest...
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