CSM Maryland Department of Labor Designates College of Southern Maryland as Provider of Charles County Adult Education Program Effective July 1

The Maryland Department of Labor (Labor) has designated the College of Southern Maryland to be the provider for Adult Education in Charles County, effective July 1, 2019.

“The Maryland Department of Labor remains committed to providing adult education services to the residents of Charles County and we are pleased that this expanded partnership offers that opportunity,” said Acting Labor Secretary James E. Rzepkowski.

Charles County’s classes and services have been provided for many years by the Lifelong Learning Center of the Charles County Public Schools. Details for the transfer of the program to CSM have been finalized by Labor’s Office of Adult Education and Literacy Services. In Maryland, these classes are grant-funded through the Maryland Department of Labor and the U.S. Department of Education.

“CSM is all about student success. Helping students on their journey to become Adult Education graduates is a natural progression for CSM, as we are able to align the program and these students with further post-secondary education and training opportunities available at the college,” said CSM President Dr. Maureen Murphy. “CSM has over the past several years provided these services in Calvert and St. Mary’s counties, and we have been working collaboratively with Charles County Public Schools and Maryland Department of Labor on this program transition as well. We look to continue to work over the next months to ensure a smooth and successful transition.”

CSM was awarded grant funding in fall 2015 to begin offering basic education instruction for adults living in St. Mary’s County, followed by funding in 2016 to expand into Calvert County. With this transition of Charles County’s program to the community college, all but two of the adult education programs offered in Maryland will be provided through Maryland’s community colleges.

“Charles County Public Schools has provided adult education for nearly 40 years. I am extremely proud of the hundreds of graduates that have come through the program, and grateful for the instructors who have guided students to success. The opportunity to continue this outstanding service through the College of Southern Maryland enhances the program by creating pathways to additional educational offerings to our adult learners. The long history of collaboration between CCPS and CSM will make the transition seamless for our clients,” said Dr. Kimberly Hill, superintendent of Charles County Public Schools.

CSM’s Director of Adult and Community Education Judi Ferrara said that the transition of adult education including the National External Diploma Program to the college aligns the program and students with further post-secondary education and training opportunities available at CSM.

Staff for the Charles County program will be housed at the college’s La Plata Campus, and it is anticipated that Charles County’s adult education classes will continue be offered in existing locations plus some additional new CSM sites throughout Charles County.

Charles County residents participating in General Education Development (GED) preparation, Adult Basic Education (ABE), National External Diploma Program (NEDP), English as a Second Language (ESL), Citizenship and Civics classes can continue doing so via classes offered by CSM. Some of these classes are offered in partnership with the Judy Centers and for students 18 and older who have withdrawn from school.

The Adult Education Program offers literacy services for all adults 18 and older who are not currently enrolled in school. To learn more about CSM’s Adult Basic Education programs, including the NEDP and GED options, visit http://www.csmd.edu/programs-courses/non-credit/adult-basic-education/, call 301-539-4760 or email adulted@csmd.edu.

[ This article originally appeared here ]