Maryland drivers to face higher taxes, fees


A Salute to all on Watch
Actually the flush tax is pretty much statewide, $30/year whether you're on sewer or septic. Sewer users get a billing, septic users pay on their County property tax bill. The money is used for loans to sewer operators to upgrade to the new federal Enhanced Nitrogen Removal techniques and standards. Septic users within a certain distance from tidal waters get grants from it to upgrade their failing systems. That program is administered through the Counties.

The second is just plain bull####. Any sewer operator that has an overflow has to report it to Md Department of the Environment who then assesses fines. That is for amounts a little as 10 gallons caused by a grease clog in front of someone's house.

Maybe but my guess would be the majority goes to the installation of new sewer systems to offset the amount it costs developers to start new housing projects so the counties can generate revenue with new property taxes.........


In My Opinion
Maybe but my guess would be the majority goes to the installation of new sewer systems to offset the amount it costs developers to start new housing projects so the counties can generate revenue with new property taxes.........

There comes a point in a counties growth that new communities do not generate the revenue that it costs the county to have them in the first place.

Example would be when the new community creates the need for traffic control, new or improved county roads, new schools because the existing are already over capacity, water mains, police, fire, new teachers etc...
and, let say a new community were to go in down by me that required city water and sewer, I would have to pay the frontage and connect to the pipes installed along the front of my property. My cost.

In the case of me having to pay for inferior quality water, I would prefer to see the people in the new community go without.


I love Texas Road House
The main gas a greenhouse emits is an interesting combination of nitrogen and oxygen, aka...'air'. Along with a healthy does of water.

exactly. al gore had managed to leave us with to much air and water. If we didn;t have air and water congress wouldn't be wasting our money.


Honorary SMIB
Maybe but my guess would be the majority goes to the installation of new sewer systems to offset the amount it costs developers to start new housing projects so the counties can generate revenue with new property taxes.........

You're not a very good guesser. The entirety of it goes to upgrades to ENR standards or other operational upgrades. Chesapeake Beach, North Beach, Calvert County and Rose Haven are doing that right now. Chespeake Beach chose to expand their proportion of capacity while the other jurisdictions did not. The portion of the upgrade that deals with expansion capacity is being paid for by CB under a separate bond from the ENR work. Included in that is a million gallon shellfish tank.

'Flush Tax' Money Is Beginning to Find Its Way to the Bay

Chesapeake Bay TMDL

Bay Restoration Fund

Larry Gude

Strung Out
exactly. al gore had managed to leave us with to much air and water. If we didn;t have air and water congress wouldn't be wasting our money.

Algore left us with too much of another gas or two. There is no greater hypocrite in the history of the galaxy. Based on his own version of science, he seems to be missing a chromosome and/or the 'reason and logic' genes. Additionally, a list of people who do MORE of what he says we all need to do less of, he would be very high up on that list.