Maryland Gubernatorial Candidates Outline Climate Positions at Forums

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PREMO Member
Recordings available on Maryland LCV website

Annapolis --- Ten of Maryland’s 2022 gubernatorial candidates participated in public forums this week to discuss their positions on climate change and related environmental issues. The nonpartisan forums, sponsored by Maryland League of Conservation Voters Education Fund (MDLCVEF) and Maryland Matters, took place at University of Maryland on March 8 and Goucher College on March 9.
The candidates who participated in both forums were Jon Baron (D), Robin Ficker (R), Doug Gansler (D), Ashwani Jain (D), John King (D), David Lashar (Libertarian), Laura Neuman (D), and Jerome M. Segal (D). Wes Moore (D) and Tom Perez (D) participated only at the University of Maryland forum. All candidates who have filed for the primary election for Governor were invited.

Recordings of the two forums are available here.

“Climate issues have never been more important in Maryland,” said Maryland LCV Executive Director Kim Coble. “The state is already paying a steep price for its climate inaction and these forums provided important insights into how the candidates plan to prioritize climate action and ensure Maryland becomes a national leader in climate solutions.”

“It's critical that the next administration is a champion and leader on environmental justice,” said Rosa Hance, Chair, Sierra Club Maryland Chapter. “The people of Maryland cannot wait until the sea level rises for our next governor to enact and enforce bold and meaningful actions to address the climate crisis,”

“These forums gave candidates a chance to lay out their vision of a more sustainable, green, and equitable future,” said Anthony Field, Maryland campaign Coordinator for CCAN Action Fund. “Maryland's next governor must be ready to act fast to address the climate crisis as it will likely be the largest and most intersectional issue their administration will face,”

“I was delighted to be part of this forum. It's an honor, especially for a new organization,” said Rona Kobell, who co-founded Environmental Justice Journalism Initiative with entrepreneur Donzell Brown Jr. in 2020 to teach Baltimore City students how to use journalistic skills to improve their communities. “I admire the other panelists and their perspectives. Working together, we came up with some great questions that I hope set a path forward for our state regarding the Chesapeake Bay and environmental justice."

“Goucher College is committed to supporting civic engagement through our academics, work with the Goucher College Poll, and by welcoming government leaders to campus,” said Mileah Kromer, Director of the Sarah T. Hughes Center for Politics at Goucher College. “We are proud to host the Maryland Gubernatorial Candidate Climate Forum and to continue to provide a forum for public discourse on these important issues.”


Maryland League of Conservation Voters Education Fund is a state-wide, nonpartisan organization.