DNR Maryland Natural Resources Police Cite for Deer Poaching


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Charges Filed During Two-Week Deer Firearms Season

Maryland Nat
Photo of Maryland Natural Resources Police truck in a field
ural Resources Police charged several individuals throughout the state for illegal hunting practices during deer firearm season, Nov. 28- Dec. 12.

Police charged Kevin Gue, 23, of Brunswick, and Andrew Whitworth, 22, of Union Bridge, with failure to obtain a hunting license, hunting on private lands without written permission, hunting deer with spotlights, and hunting or attempting to hunt game birds or mammals during the closed season. Officers were conducting spotlight surveillance in northern Frederick County on Dec. 3 when they observed passengers in a vehicle shining a handheld spotlight onto a nearby field. While talking with the individuals, police say they located two shotguns, ammunition, and a handheld spotlight. Both men face up to $6,500 in fines and six months in jail.

Samuel Smith, 25, and Justin Walls, 22, both of Jefferson, were charged on Dec. 4 with hunting deer with spotlights and hunting at night. While on spotlight surveillance patrol in Burkittsville, officers observed occupants in a vehicle using their headlights on a nearby cornfield. Police spoke with the occupants and located a spotlight, a shotgun, ammunition, a hunting bow, and arrows. Each man charged faces up to $5,000 in fines and up to six months in jail.

Officers charged Derek Smith, 36, of Churchville, with hunting while under the influence of alcohol, hunting on private lands without permission, and failure to carry a photo ID. On Dec. 5, police observed a man in a tree stand on private property in Cecilton. He told police he had crossed a creek to get to the tree stand, and was covered in mud from the waist. While speaking with Smith, officers detected an odor of an alcoholic beverage and observed that he had bloodshot eyes and slurred speech. Smith was given a standard field sobriety test and charged him based on the results. He faces up to $6,000 in fines.

Police charged Brice Schaefer, 24, of Westminster, and Alex Wadel, 25, of Pennsylvania, with hunting while under the influence of alcohol, spotlighting, hunting at night, and possessing a loaded firearm in a vehicle. Officers on patrol Dec. 11 discovered a stationary combine shining a light into a cleared farm field off Mayberry road in Carroll County. While speaking with both men, officers could detect an odor of an alcoholic beverage. Wadel also had slurred speech and difficulty walking. Police charged both men, and they each face up to $6,000 in fines, one year in jail, and a three-year suspension of their hunting licenses.