State Police Maryland State Police Investigating Attempted ATM Theft


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Type of Incident: Attempted ATM Theft

Date and Time: July 23, 2023 at approximately 3:56 AM

Location: Finksburg Plaza Shopping Center, 3000 Gamber Road, Finksburg, MD 21048

Narrative: On July 23, 2023 at approximately 3:56 AM, the Maryland State Police Westminster Barrack received a call for an alarm at the Truist Bank located at 3000 Gamber Road, Finksburg, Maryland 21048. Upon arrival, it was determined that an unknown suspect used a stolen truck, stolen trailer, and skid steer loader, which is also suspected to be stolen, to attempt to steal the ATM. The suspect fled the area prior to our arrival, leaving the truck, trailer, and skid steer behind.

Anyone with information related to the ATM theft and/or theft of equipment referenced above, is asked to contact the Maryland State Police Westminster Barrack at 410-386-3000. Please see attached photographs of pick-up truck, trailer, and skid loader.


CONTACT: Office of Media Communications,

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