DNR Maryland Striped Bass Trophy Season Set to Open April 20


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Annual Rite of Spring Lasts Through May 15 in Most Areas

Photo of striped bass being caught

Photo: “Rockfishing” by Roy Julie

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources announced that the state’s trophy striped bass season will begin April 20 and last through May 15.

Anglers may catch one striped bass per day, with a minimum size of 35 inches, in the Chesapeake Bay from Brewerton Channel to the Virginia state line.

Maryland is part of a multi-state governing body, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, and works through the management process set by the commission and agreed upon by each member state. Maryland, and other states with a stake in the striped bass fishery, will have a more long-term picture of the fishery after the next commission meeting, which begins on April 30.

“With input from our stakeholders and our team of biologists we continue to move forward to preserve, protect and restore the striped bass fishery,” Fishing and Boating Services Director David Blazer said.

Current, detailed and localized information on striped bass fishing throughout Maryland is available on the department’s striped bass regulation website.

[ This article originally appeared here ]