Governor Maryland Vaccine Equity Task Force Update: April 10, 2021


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This week, the Vaccine Equity Task Force (VETF) partnered with faith leaders for an event at M&T Bank Stadium to promote the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines. Learn more.


On Friday evening, Lieutenant Governor Boyd K. Rutherford and General Birckhead visited a vaccination clinic held at Bilingual Christian Church in Baltimore City. Roughly 120 people received their first dose of the Moderna vaccine.

PROGRESS IN MINORITY POPULATIONS. According to a national analysis by Bloomberg, Maryland ranks 4th among states for vaccinating the state’s share of the Black population; 8th among states for vaccinating the state’s share of the Asian population; and 13th among states for vaccinating the state’s share of the Hispanic population.

PROGRESS IN TARGETED ZIP CODES. The hard-hit zip codes where the VETF is partnering with community leaders to hold vaccine clinics are showing significant improvement in vaccine uptake.


Total Pop Up Clinics​
Total Mobile Missions​
Doses Administered​

(figures are cumulative, as of 4/5/21)

ELIGIBILITY. On Monday, Governor Hogan announced that all Marylanders age 16 and older are now eligible to get vaccinated at any of the state’s mass vaccination sites, and effective Monday, April 12, all Marylanders age 16 and older will be eligible through all providers. Marylanders are encouraged to pre-register for appointments at mass vaccination sites via or 1-855-MD-GOVAX.


The Maryland Vaccine Equity Task Force (VETF), led by Maryland National Guard Brigadier General Janeen Birckhead, works in partnership with the state’s 24 local health departments to focus COVID-19 vaccination efforts on underserved, vulnerable, and hard-to-reach populations to ensure the equitable delivery of vaccines.

The task force will leverage resources with close ties to key communities, including the state’s Vaccine Advisory Group, the Governor’s Office of Community Initiatives, the state’s network of Medicaid providers, and additional public sector and community partners.

Learn more about the task force here.
