This is fun right?
JPC, the State's Dems (<--Linky)are lobbying hard to give all felons the right to vote immediately upon release:
The Maryland DemocRATs are so hell-bent on getting Bob Ehrlich out of office, and most importantly keeping a black Republican, Michael Steele, (who's edging ahead <--Linky ) out of the Senate that their now openly courting the ex-felon vote.
If this bill passes wait to see the video of DemocRATs loading up the buses at the halfway houses and addiction clinics across the state to make sure their voters get to the polls.
I also wouldn't be surprised if DemocRATs were updating their mailing lists and targeting voter turnout operations by surfing those "Megan's law" databases that tell you where registered sex offenders live.
Democratic lawmakers, who have long pushed to restore voting rights to Maryland felons, say racial politics and election-year considerations make this the year they open the polls to every ex-convict.
"This law seriously disenfranchises a large number of African-Americans," said Delegate Salima Siler Marriott, a black Baltimore Democrat who is gathering sponsors for a voting-rights restoration bill she plans to submit.
"Their disenfranchisement impacts the power of African-Americans in this state," said Mrs. Marriott, whose bill would give all felons the vote immediately upon release from prison.
If Mrs. Marriott's bill succeeds this time -- it has died in committee the past three years -- an estimated 150,000 felons would be able to cast ballots in Maryland. About 85,000 of them are black and likely Democrats, according to Justice Maryland, a penal reform group that supports felon voting rights.
These convicted murderers, rapists and armed robbers could vote as early as the Nov. 7 general election, if the law takes effect on the traditional Oct. 1 start date. And felons could sway the results.
The Maryland DemocRATs are so hell-bent on getting Bob Ehrlich out of office, and most importantly keeping a black Republican, Michael Steele, (who's edging ahead <--Linky ) out of the Senate that their now openly courting the ex-felon vote.
If this bill passes wait to see the video of DemocRATs loading up the buses at the halfway houses and addiction clinics across the state to make sure their voters get to the polls.
I also wouldn't be surprised if DemocRATs were updating their mailing lists and targeting voter turnout operations by surfing those "Megan's law" databases that tell you where registered sex offenders live.