The four self-designated covid experts who wrote the piece aren’t Team Reality players. Dr. Monica Gandhi, for example, has been a cheerful social media champion of masking and jabbing from day one. But look what the four experts stated near the top of their piece, stated as a FACT:
Before other cities like San Francisco follow [Philadephia and reimpose school masks], it’s time to reassess our prevention strategies in and outside of schools and accept reality: vaccines work, masks do not.
Masks don’t work! They said it OUT LOUD!
Look, I’m just as happy as anyone that the maskal tides are finally turning out to sea, but it is hard not to feel a tiny bit bitter about corporate media’s loving new embrace of Narrative 2.0. What I mean is, if you’d written the statement above on Facebook six months ago, and said we have to “accept reality … masks do not” work, your account would have been locked down faster than Joe Biden can wander away during a press briefing if no one’s watching him.
Last year, the corporate media ran endless opinion pieces by experts telling us to mask up, dammit, don’t be anti-science. But now it’s the very same experts telling us that masks DON’T work. Thanks experts.
So you can now add Dan Halperin, Jeanne Noble, Norman Hearst and Monica Gandhi to Leanna Wen as prominent social media covid experts who are publicly advocating AGAINST masking. And Jiminy Cricket, this letter was perfect timing for a Biden Administration wrestling with the fractious politics of ending airplane masking.
The article first rounds up a bunch of studies showing no or limited effect from masks, critiques studies purporting to show mask benefits, and then notes darkly that “there is emerging evidence that masking can be harmful.” Imagine saying THAT twelve months ago. Actually, you don’t need to imagine it, since I and others DID say that, and were accused of literally kicking Grandma into the wood chipper while she’s not looking, just by SAYING IT.
☕️ Coffee & Covid ☙ Wednesday, April 20, 2022 ☙ AGREE WITH XIR 🦠
Corporate media protects Narrative 2.0 with stories about useless harmful masks; Florida strikes back after woke Disney threatened the state’s kids and lawmakers; Disney flails around; more...