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Fifth Woe on the Teachers of the Law and Pharisees
I'm on my tablet this morning and I'm not a big fan of Window 8. I've had to start over a few times. So there won't be quotes and links this morning.
Back when God was giving the instructions to Moses in Leviticus and Deuteronomy, there were a lot of laws about cleanliness and food preparation. There were even laws about where to poop. This was done so that the Jewish Nation could be healthier. Humans just didn't know anything. Once the humans got hold of the law, they added their own rules to the mix. On top of that the Pharisees had a ritual for everything they did during the day that had any law attached to it. Apparently there was quite a ritual in the cleaning of utensils.
The Shammaite school of Pharisees figured the cup was going to be dirty inside and out so they weren't as meticulous with cleaning it. The Hillelite school of Pharisees thought that the outside of the cup was always going to be dirtier so they washed the inside of the cup meticulously first. Come to think of it, when my mother was teaching me how to wash dishes, she told me that the dish water is always cleaner at first so you should wash the glasses first. It's harder to wash a glass after all the grease from the pots and pans get in the water. Anyway, apparently there was quite a debate about the proper etiquette or ritual.
Jesus used this common debate to teach the Pharisees that they were corrupt and they needed to clean up their act. Now remember, this corruption in the temple had been going on since Alexander the Great, so they really thought what they were doing was normal. After all, their ancestors had bribed their way into appointment to the position so they were just following the norm.
Jesus used the washing of cups to try to show them that their norm was wrong.
It doesn't matter what ritual you use to clean the cup.... the important thing is that the cup has to be clean inside and out.

Matthew 23:25 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. 26 Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean
. I'm on my tablet this morning and I'm not a big fan of Window 8. I've had to start over a few times. So there won't be quotes and links this morning.
Back when God was giving the instructions to Moses in Leviticus and Deuteronomy, there were a lot of laws about cleanliness and food preparation. There were even laws about where to poop. This was done so that the Jewish Nation could be healthier. Humans just didn't know anything. Once the humans got hold of the law, they added their own rules to the mix. On top of that the Pharisees had a ritual for everything they did during the day that had any law attached to it. Apparently there was quite a ritual in the cleaning of utensils.
The Shammaite school of Pharisees figured the cup was going to be dirty inside and out so they weren't as meticulous with cleaning it. The Hillelite school of Pharisees thought that the outside of the cup was always going to be dirtier so they washed the inside of the cup meticulously first. Come to think of it, when my mother was teaching me how to wash dishes, she told me that the dish water is always cleaner at first so you should wash the glasses first. It's harder to wash a glass after all the grease from the pots and pans get in the water. Anyway, apparently there was quite a debate about the proper etiquette or ritual.
Jesus used this common debate to teach the Pharisees that they were corrupt and they needed to clean up their act. Now remember, this corruption in the temple had been going on since Alexander the Great, so they really thought what they were doing was normal. After all, their ancestors had bribed their way into appointment to the position so they were just following the norm.
Jesus used the washing of cups to try to show them that their norm was wrong.
It doesn't matter what ritual you use to clean the cup.... the important thing is that the cup has to be clean inside and out.