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Matthew 27:50 And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit.
One commentary says this.
Most victims of crucifixion spent their last hours in complete exhaustion or unconsciousness before death. Jesus was not like this; though tremendously tortured and weakened, He was conscious and able to speak right up to the moment of His death.
"The Fathers found in the loud cry a proof that Jesus died voluntarily, not from physical exhaustion. Some modern commentators, on the contrary, regard the cry as the utterance as one dying of a ruptured heart."
John 19:30 tells us that Jesus said, "It is finished," which is one word in the ancient Greek - tetelestai, which means, "paid in full." This was the cry of a winner, because Jesus fully paid the debt of sin we owed, and finished the eternal purpose of the cross.
John 19:30 tells us that Jesus said, "It is finished," which is one word in the ancient Greek - tetelestai, which means, "paid in full." This was the cry of a winner, because Jesus fully paid the debt of sin we owed, and finished the eternal purpose of the cross.
No one took Jesus' life from Him. Jesus, in a manner unlike any other man, yielded up His spirit. Death had no righteous hold over the sinless Son of God. He stood in the place of sinners, but never was or became a sinner Himself. Therefore He could not die unless He yielded up His spirit.
As Jesus said, I lay down My life that I may take it again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. (John 10:17-18)
"Every man, since the fall, has not only been liable to death, but has deserved it; as all have forfeited their lives because of sin. Jesus Christ, was born immaculate, and having never sinned, had not forfeited his life, and therefore may be considered as naturally and properly immortal."
"He gave up his life because He willed it, when He willed it, and as He willed it."
"Every man, since the fall, has not only been liable to death, but has deserved it; as all have forfeited their lives because of sin. Jesus Christ, was born immaculate, and having never sinned, had not forfeited his life, and therefore may be considered as naturally and properly immortal."
"He gave up his life because He willed it, when He willed it, and as He willed it."
The easy english commentary says that Jesus was crying out in accomplishment.
The loud cry was probably the cry, ‘It is finished!’ John recorded it in his gospel, (John 19:30). See Psalm 22:24. The psalm says that God heard Jesus. God heard him when he cried for help. God had given Jesus work to do. And Jesus knew that he had finished that work. So he cried out because he was glad that it was complete. Luke records that Jesus gave his spirit to his Father (Luke 23:46).
One of the commentaries in the GodVine commentaries adds another spin.
He cried, "It is finished," John 19:30. It was in the height of his agony, probably attended with deep groaning, and uttered amid sorrows which were never else experienced in our world. It finished the work of atonement, made the way of salvation possible, rolled away the curse from guilty people, and opened the kingdom of heaven to all true believers.
Yielded up the ghost - This, though a literal translation, is unhappy. It means resigned his spirit, or "expired." The same phrase is used by the Septuagint in describing the death of Rachel. Genesis 35:18.
Yielded up the ghost - This, though a literal translation, is unhappy. It means resigned his spirit, or "expired." The same phrase is used by the Septuagint in describing the death of Rachel. Genesis 35:18.
The last time I read this verse, and the comparison to Rachel's death, I think I commented on it. Any of us who have been through childbirth know that it's a mission unlike any in life. When complications occur, it's even more of a mission. Rachel fought to give birth to Benjamin. She used everything she had to give a live birth. It's a mission. I can see how the death of Rachel and the completion of the mission for Jesus make a small comparison.