Matthew 28 Some Doubted


Well-Known Member
Matthew 28:16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.

The easy english commentary says this.

Jesus had called his first disciples in Galilee district. Now it was the place where he gave his last instructions to them. He had promised to go to Galilee ahead of his disciples (Matthew 26:32). The angel and Jesus had both repeated this message (Matthew 28:7, 10).

It is not clear who doubted him. There may have been more than the 11 disciples present. Some people could not believe that Jesus was really alive again after his death.

Then David Guzik says this about their doubting Him.

The natural reaction to encountering the risen Jesus is worship, even if some had to overcome uncertainty and hesitation - probably from feeling it was too good to be true, and lingering shame from having forsaken Jesus during His suffering.​

I can just hear them saying "I can't believe your are here!"
