Maturity in the White House?



How can someone "look French"?? Now smell French, that's possible. :lol:


Chairman of the Board
Originally posted by jlabsher
WHite house officials charge Kerry "Looks French"

I know many here will love this, however I find it racist, immature and downright stoopid! What if they said he "looks black or jewish?" What a country!

Oh please - they can call the President every kind of word meaning stupid, out loud and on the record, but some unnamed Bush "adviser" can't say he "looks French" ?(He *does*, by the way). Kerry even mentioned he laughed it off (as did I).

You CAN'T be serious. Remember the LAST White House? Geez. You know, where they called right wing types, the "extra chromosome right"? Insults were their staple.

THIS is politics? For Pete's sake, this wasn't even taken seriously when I was in grade school. Give it up.


Football season!
None of this actually happened anyways.

``It means the White House has started the politics of personal destruction,'' Kerry said of the comment by an unnamed Bush adviser.

``He looks French,'' said one Bush adviser, handing the Massachusetts Democrat what is probably the ultimate postwar political putdown.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
``It means the White House has started the politics of personal destruction,'' Kerry said
Well, you oughta know, John! :duh:

Jlab, are you really this ignorant and partisan? Like Frank said, the Democrats specialize in personal destruction, rumor-mongering and name-calling.
She (Teresa Heinz Kerry) added: ``They (White House officials) probably don't even speak French.''
*sniff* *humpf* How's that for some arrogance and elitism? :roflmao:


Sorry about that chief.
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Well, you oughta know, John! :duh:

Jlab, are you really this ignorant and partisan? Like Frank said, the Democrats specialize in personal destruction, rumor-mongering and name-calling.
*sniff* *humpf* How's that for some arrogance and elitism? :roflmao:

On this board, it is just the opposite. I believe here most of the name calling, personal attacks, rumor-mongering, etc. is coming from the other side. As far as national examples go, look at Rush, Liddy or even O'Reilly before you say that democrats "specialize" in this sort of thing. They make their living from flaming the fires of innuendo. It isn't pretty when either side does it.

I was just posting it to illustrate the hypocrisy of the current right-wing French bashing.


Chairman of the Board
Originally posted by jlabsher

I was just posting it to illustrate the hypocrisy of the current right-wing French bashing.

Why "hypocritical"? For one - everyone is bashing the French, not just those on the right, or the left. Most of the jokes I've heard come from Leno or Letterman or O'Brien or the Daily Show. And two - someone - unnamed, of course - insulted him. Are you saying that if the left insults someone, the ONLY reaction that is legitimate is to never insult back? That's the only way to maintain the moral high ground? Bull.

Somehow I thought hypocrisy was to lay claim to virtue you didn't possess. This isn't hypocrisy - heck, it's not even a good *insult*. Even I can think of better ones for Kerry.

Like I said before - this is playground stuff, not politics. Congress once had fistfights and duels. Now, apparently, someone saying you look French is the height of insult and worthy of national coverage. Please. I only WISH that was the worst thing I've heard come at ME.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
But you know all those liberals are sneaky back stabbers.
Which is why knives are out, and the duel starts at ten paces with an enforcers scope targeted to the pinko from the start.



Sorry about that chief.
Originally posted by Kyle
Which is why knives are out, and the duel starts at ten paces with an enforcers scope targeted to the pinko from the start.


But all that lib will have to do is shout, "Look it's Jeff Gordon", distracting the gunnie so he can move in and make the kill.


Football season!
Nah, the libs will put some sort of poison in your pens. When you're writing your thank-you notes to Bush, the poison comes out and you die. :biggrin:

One thing I used to find interesting. Where I used to work, EVERYONE was a gun freak. I wouldn't dare pick up a dime from the floor in fear someone might think I was stealing it and get shot. However, this was also the biggest group of gun control advocated I have even seen, just not what you normally consider "gun control". As responsible gun owners themselves, they didn't want a bunch of uneducated shooters out there with weapons they could not handle. They were hunters, but didn't see a need for an AK to go squirel hunting. They hunted deer, but saw no need to have armor-piercing bullets.
Many of my notions of "gun control" (or lack there of) came from that group. People who enjoy the sportmanship, but despise the stupidity.

Perhaps libs wouldn't be so afraid of guns if they would quit spewing stupid stuff and giving people a REASON to shoot them.


Could this thread be any more lame? So what! Someone in the White House made a French joke BFD! If this is "News" I'd say, that the ol' Bush Administration is doing a pretty darn good job.

And...... on the second subject, of course "gun freaks" are the most responsible when it comes to gun control and safety. It's the idiots with one or two new weapons you better worry about.