Auntie Biache'

Well-Known Member
Move over AOC...

he mayor of a South Carolina town believed she was the target of a hate crime after cars belonging to her and her husband were dusted with a mysterious, “yellow, sticky substance.”

Local and state police investigated the claims made by Lamar Mayor Darnell Byrd McPherson, who reported that on February 7 at 10 p.m. local time, someone sprayed her 2017 Symphony Silver Hyundai Elantra Sport and her husband’s soft-top 1998 Buick Roadmaster with a residue outside of their home.

“Darnell, there’s something on your car,” she remembered him saying. “They started rubbing it, and it was this yellow, sticky substance. So it was like, What is this?”

She said her husband and the neighbor “started scraping all over” their cars to rid what she described as a “grainy substance” akin to industrial spray foam used to patch concrete.

Setting in was the deafening fear of an attack.

She explained in the interview with Newsweek that there were no words or symbols drawn on the cars. The cars were parked in the street near the end of the couple's driveway, a block and a half from Lamar’s downtown.

“To me that was the message,” she said.

The mayor is hard-pressed to understand why she was targeted.

“I have a good reputation,” she said. I have never been subjected to something like this.”



Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
“To me that was the message,” she said.

To me the message is: The perpetually offended look at everything through the lens of race. "It rained on me and I got wet because I'm black!".

Next thing you know someone will accuse white high school kids of saying hurtful, racial things to minorities or maybe a minority will be so threatened by the ghost of white supremacy that he will invent a hate crime involving a noose because even if it didn't happen it might happen.

Fear the red hat. It is more potent than kryptonite.

The hat is so powerful it causes people to lose their minds, make up stories and stage plays where they have people punch them in the face. Tell you what, I'll punch your face for you and you won't have to fork over $3,500. I'll do it for free.

Auntie Biache'

Well-Known Member
It sounded like pine (sticky) but we don't see pine pollen storms for another month or two here. Didn't think your's were that far ahead.

Yep. We've had it off and on here in GA for about 6 weeks now. My head explodes every morning.


Resident PIA
I thought this was already exposed as a hoax and the substance was pollen?
LMAO. The minute I saw "yellow sticky substance" all I thought was pollen.
The reason that couldn't understand why they were under attack was because the trees didn't whisper "it's pollen, not pollution or an attack".


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
The comments in the article are great!
Damn. Now you are gonna make me go in and read them.

Gotta say, often the comments are way better than the original article. There are a lot of witty keyboard jockeys.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Absolutely clear - and I mean 100% crystal clear - that this was BS from the start. Any moron looking at the photos in the article can tell it's pollen.

The mayor played the race card (intentionally or not, doesn't matter) and Newsweek was there to lap it up as an excuse to give us a "you Southerners are racist" lecture. Unbelievable how fast Newsweek veered off into the 1970s.

Not journalism. At all. Partisan, agenda-driven, BS.

-- End of line (MCP)