"McCain “needs to pay attention to the right."


Lovin' being Texican

For a guy trying to advise a man who wants to be President of the United States, Barnes is kinda loose with his facts, don't you think? Clinton was for Gays in the military, Barry is for Gays in the military. Bush has not been against Gays in the military and I have not heard McCain say he was against Gays in the military yet. So how is Barnes' position different?

And, Oh, by the way, the PEW research purporting to show growing support for Gays in the military is a lot like looking at AlGores' global temperature graphs. Looks more like support for openly Gay people serving in the military has leveled off at about 39-40%. Klinton got a slight rise in support but it's leveled off now.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...is wrong. McCain's ONLY chance is to the center. He's not going to get the right, conservatives, no matter what he does at this point. He has a record. We look at it.

If Barnes means the religious right, well, I can't comment for them if the big issue on their minds is gay soldiers and weddings.