Mccain beats up who now?


New Member
I don't plan to vote for either of them. I don't want obama's social programs and I don't like the current rupublican views on energy and foreign policy.

Where is my party, the pro energy independant, religiously conservative, anti-gun, pro-life, earth friendly party?


New Member
Yeah, and the current republican startegy is instead to blast anything or anyone that doesn't agree with the US? Lets just manhandle everyone we don't like. Its a good christian example for our kids and the rest of the world. I am not sure this story is true, but I am tired of people who think we can go around and bully the world because we have some devine right to do so... grow up people, it makes the US look like 16 year old males with attitude issues.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The GOP...

Yeah, and the current republican startegy is instead to blast anything or anyone that doesn't agree with the US? Lets just manhandle everyone we don't like. Its a good christian example for our kids and the rest of the world. I am not sure this story is true, but I am tired of people who think we can go around and bully the world because we have some devine right to do so... grow up people, it makes the US look like 16 year old males with attitude issues. in the middle of making sure we're out of power for the next generation. If you'd like to interfere and help us stop, by all means. If not, we'd prefer to be left alone while building the scaffold we're going to hang ourselves with.

Thank you for your cooperation.


New Member
Seriously, it seems that way some days.

Why can't we have true christian republicans again, not funded by big oil, and agree with the fact god wanted us to treat the earth w/ a bit of respect as he intrusted it to us? The current admin certainly doesn't follow the golden rule or anything from the bible. Oh, yeah, and a fiscal conservative? where did they go? I think we need a amendment to the consitution that says the government can't spend more than they take in... my bank doesn't let me do it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, and the current republican startegy is instead to blast anything or anyone that doesn't agree with the US? Lets just manhandle everyone we don't like. Its a good christian example for our kids and the rest of the world. I am not sure this story is true, but I am tired of people who think we can go around and bully the world because we have some devine right to do so... grow up people, it makes the US look like 16 year old males with attitude issues.

Yeah, because 20 years ago a 50 year old Senator grabbed an armed Marxist hooligan and gave him what for. The Sandanistas were criminals. If a Democratic Senator at the same time had #####-slapped a member of South Africa's apartheid regime, the left would have worshipped him and kissed his ring.


Obama destroyed America
Seriously, it seems that way some days.

Why can't we have true christian republicans again, not funded by big oil, and agree with the fact god wanted us to treat the earth w/ a bit of respect as he intrusted it to us? The current admin certainly doesn't follow the golden rule or anything from the bible. Oh, yeah, and a fiscal conservative? where did they go? I think we need a amendment to the consitution that says the government can't spend more than they take in... my bank doesn't let me do it.
Because there is no god. And if there is, thank him for this fine mess he created. :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'd be happier...

Yeah, because 20 years ago a 50 year old Senator grabbed an armed Marxist hooligan and gave him what for. The Sandanistas were criminals. If a Democratic Senator at the same time had #####-slapped a member of South Africa's apartheid regime, the left would have worshipped him and kissed his ring.

...if the fact that JF Kerry and most national Democrats openly supported communists was a bigger issue than McCain get a little annoyed.


New Member
If there is no god, and therfore no set of rules to apply to humankind, then I should just go kill anyone I want anytime. why not? There is no after life, you are just a meat sack filled with fluids... we are all wild animals, survival of the fittest. do you have a wife? I want her, maybe I'll cook her, or whatever... seriously though, no god, no rules.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Because there is no god. And if there is, thank him for this fine mess he created. :yay:


We continue to find ways to make the things we do cleaner and less damaging all the time, from lead to sulfur to phosphorus, CO2 recapture, exhaust scrubbers and so on.


Obama destroyed America
If there is no god, and therfore no set of rules to apply to humankind, then I should just go kill anyone I want anytime. why not? There is no after life, you are just a meat sack filled with fluids... we are all wild animals, survival of the fittest. do you have a wife? I want her, maybe I'll cook her, or whatever... seriously though, no god, no rules.
Ok, I nominate this one of the dumbest posts this year. I see the lack of intellect we're dealing with here.

Go kill someone and see who puts you on trial before jailing you.


We continue to find ways to make the things we do cleaner and less damaging all the time, from lead to sulfur to phosphorus, CO2 recapture, exhaust scrubbers and so on.
That's good. :killingme that's real good.

I was referring to all the love he created in the world. Like the guys who love to fly planes into buildings, blow up babies, rape children, kill cops. You know, that kind, wonderful god. :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I was referring to all the love he created in the world. Like the guys who love to fly planes into buildings, blow up babies, rape children, kill cops. You know, that kind, wonderful god. :yay: mean the human mess.

Well, God hates a commie. There's your source of the worlds problems.


New Member
McCain isnt all that big. He is only 5'7" I cant really see a guy this size snatching a Sandanista out of a chair. Especially with his handicap.


Well-Known Member
If there is no god, and therfore no set of rules to apply to humankind, then I should just go kill anyone I want anytime. why not? There is no after life, you are just a meat sack filled with fluids... we are all wild animals, survival of the fittest. do you have a wife? I want her, maybe I'll cook her, or whatever... seriously though, no god, no rules.

Go ahead and TRY - the lack of rules applies to *me* too.

Somehow, knowing that breaking the laws means you'll get your ass kicked works just as well as being told you'll burn in hell.


New Member
Not really, as for every terrorist 'ass' we kick two more are created, it doesn't seem to detur them at all...


Well-Known Member
McCain isnt all that big. He is only 5'7" I cant really see a guy this size snatching a Sandanista out of a chair. Especially with his handicap.

I hadn't thought about that - he can't raise his arms above his head. I wonder if that means he's capable of grabbing some punk by the collar.

Still, I *like* that image. The Sandanistas were thugs and criminals. Even if it wasn't the law, I'd have liked to have seen Elliott Ness grab Capone by the collar.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Johnny Mac...

I hadn't thought about that - he can't raise his arms above his head. I wonder if that means he's capable of grabbing some punk by the collar.

Still, I *like* that image. The Sandanistas were thugs and criminals. Even if it wasn't the law, I'd have liked to have seen Elliott Ness grab Capone by the collar. a scrapper. He was a good wrestler back in his day. Those bastards can snap your color bone like THAT until the day they die.


I can't help but think of the line "when ten men tell you you're drunk, you better lie down." Here's another case of someone telling about how McCain has issues with controlling his temper, and once again we have people desperate to excuse such behavior. Of course, McCain denies it, but he also denied access to the psychological profiles in his medical records too. Wonder what he's hiding.