McCain neutralizes the Biden choice...

Larry Gude

Strung Out his opening statement;

"In announcing my choice for VP, I'd like to first acknowledge my opponents choice of Sen. Joe Biden, one of my dearest friends, as his vice presidential running mate. I think Joe is a fantastic choice. In fact, I like him so much he was going to be MY choice until I'd found out that he'd accepted a lower offer..."


PS: I made this up.


Well-Known Member his opening statement;

"In announcing my choice for VP, I'd like to first acknowledge my opponents choice of Sen. Joe Biden, one of my dearest friends, as his vice presidential running mate. I think Joe is a fantastic choice. In fact, I like him so much he was going to be MY choice until I'd found out that he'd accepted a lower offer..."


PS: I made this up.

Not bad. Send it in to his campaign headquarters.