McCain Owes America An Alzheimer's Test


Ubi bene ibi patria
"While Ted Kennedy and Michelle Obama were rocking the Democratic convention in Denver, John McCain made his 13th appearance with Jay Leno to joke about his age. McCain joked, "You forgot to mention that I warned the people about the British coming," and added, "my Social Security number is eight."

McCain has repeatedly tried to dismiss concerns about his age with late-night jokes. On Saturday Night Live, he quipped: "What should we be looking for in our next president? Certainly someone who is very, very, very old."

But McCain's age is no joke. He will turn 72 on Friday and would be halfway to 73 if elected and sworn in on January 20. That would make him the oldest first-term President ever, two years older than Ronald Reagan. He has survived four skin cancers (melanomas), including one in 2000 that was classified as Stage IIa.

McCain is two years older than his father was when he died suddenly of a heart attack at 70. He is 11 years older than his grandfather was when he died suddenly of a heart attack at age 61.

The United States cannot afford the risk that McCain would die suddenly in the middle of an international crisis. "

McCain Owes America An Alzheimer's Test |


In My Opinion
"While Ted Kennedy and Michelle Obama were rocking the Democratic convention in Denver, John McCain made his 13th appearance with Jay Leno to joke about his age. McCain joked, "You forgot to mention that I warned the people about the British coming," and added, "my Social Security number is eight."

McCain has repeatedly tried to dismiss concerns about his age with late-night jokes. On Saturday Night Live, he quipped: "What should we be looking for in our next president? Certainly someone who is very, very, very old."
Interpreted this is McCains way of saying to the liberals FOAD.

But McCain's age is no joke. He will turn 72 on Friday and would be halfway to 73 if elected and sworn in on January 20. That would make him the oldest first-term President ever, two years older than Ronald Reagan. He has survived four skin cancers (melanomas), including one in 2000 that was classified as Stage IIa.
So, Reagan was 2 years older than McCain when he was re-elected to office for his second term. and that worked out just fine. so your age issue is BS.

McCain is two years older than his father was when he died suddenly of a heart attack at 70. He is 11 years older than his grandfather was when he died suddenly of a heart attack at age 61.
Heart issues generally come from the Maternal side of the family. how was his mothers side as far as the heart goes? also, medical care has increased over the years and some of the stuff that went by as far as the heart is concerned even just 20 years ago is now managed.

The United States cannot afford the risk that McCain would die suddenly in the middle of an international crisis. "
The United States cannot afford a president with no experience, and who also might meet with an untimely demise while in office.
Can you be certain that obama wont walk in to congress one day with explosives taped to his body yelling AHH LALALALA AHH LALALALA and proceed to blow up the entire congress?


NOT Politically Correct!!
"While Ted Kennedy and Michelle Obama were rocking the Democratic convention in Denver, John McCain made his 13th appearance with Jay Leno to joke about his age. McCain joked, "You forgot to mention that I warned the people about the British coming," and added, "my Social Security number is eight."

McCain has repeatedly tried to dismiss concerns about his age with late-night jokes. On Saturday Night Live, he quipped: "What should we be looking for in our next president? Certainly someone who is very, very, very old."

But McCain's age is no joke. He will turn 72 on Friday and would be halfway to 73 if elected and sworn in on January 20. That would make him the oldest first-term President ever, two years older than Ronald Reagan. He has survived four skin cancers (melanomas), including one in 2000 that was classified as Stage IIa.

McCain is two years older than his father was when he died suddenly of a heart attack at 70. He is 11 years older than his grandfather was when he died suddenly of a heart attack at age 61.

The United States cannot afford the risk that McCain would die suddenly in the middle of an international crisis. "

McCain Owes America An Alzheimer's Test |

Other than you, I'd say most Americans would rather vote for an experienced older guy than a liberial dumbass younger guy with the word Change stenciled on his forehead!!! And don't forget that McCain made a commercial with his very coherent 92 year old mother!!! Didn't NObama's mother die at 52 from cancer, it's NObama a Newport smoker (or at least a closet one now)??? Keep drinking the NObama sand, I'm sure there's water down there somewhere...:coffee:

"While Ted Kennedy and Michelle Obama were rocking the Democratic convention in Denver" hahahahahahahahaha this statement made me laugh...:killingme
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In My Opinion
Other than you, I'd say most Americans would rather vote for an experienced older guy than a liberial dumbass younger guy with the word Change stenciled on his forehead!!! And don't forget that McCain made a commercial with his very coherent 92 year old mother!!! Didn't NObama's mother die at 52 from cancer, it's NObama a Newport smoker (or at least a closet one now)??? Keep drinking the NObama sand, I'm sure there's water down there somewhere...:coffee:

"While Ted Kennedy and Michelle Obama were rocking the Democratic convention in Denver" hahahahahahahahaha this statement made me laugh...:killingme
if you dont vote for obama, its only because you are a racist.
and, how can Ted Kennedy be rocking anything, hes really old and is dying from brain cancer. Not at all a good thing when it comes to how the liberals view your ability.
certainly they must now view Kennedy as the loser he is.