McCain's "Judgement" On Water Rights


Habari Na Mijeldi
McCain sparks water rights blowup - Chris Frates -

Arizona Sen. John McCain’s call for renegotiating how much water some Western states can pull from the Colorado River has a set off quite a stir in Colorado, an up-for-grabs swing state that next week plays host to the Democratic National Convention.

McCain, a proud Westerner, triggered the latest round of fighting when he told The Pueblo (Colo.) Chieftain last Friday that “the compact that is in effect, obviously, needs to be renegotiated over time amongst the interested parties” — which was widely understood in Colorado as a process that would end up redistributing more of the river’s “liquid gold” downstream.

The Republican was forced to backtrack Wednesday, writing a letter to Allard saying, “Let me be clear that I do not advocate renegotiation of the compact.”


In My Opinion
since a finite amount of water travels down the river each day, it is clearly understandable that in order to insure the river makes it all the way to its termination point, usage must be regulated.
there does come a point that new communities, towns or whatever have to be denied access to the water supply.

what if a new community is built 5o miles upstream from an existing community, and taking the water to supply that new community will directly affect in a negative way the water reserves for the older community.

common sense tells you that there is a maximum quantity that can be removed along its run.


Lovin' being Texican
Once again, the liberals are jumping on a nonstory. If Nono and his ilk had bothered to read the original article they would have seen that McCain said any changes it the nearly century-old agreement would have to be made by the states and not by a CENTRALIZED NATIONAL GUBMENT such as that advocated by Obama.