McCain's Problem: Not Age, but Condition


Habari Na Mijeldi
Barack Obama versus John McCain. One of the first things that supporters of Obama ought to realize is that attacking, belittling or characterizing John McCain by emphasizing his age is a mistake. It is a mistake that may backfire and cost them a lot of votes with seniors in this country.

I don't know about you, but everywhere I look in our society, people over sixty-five are making profound contributions to their chosen fields. Architecture, writing, journalism, painting, education, corporate leadership, law, medicine. You name it. With the exception of actually performing in fields such as sports or ballet, for example, men and women that are John McCain's age are not only contributing, they are at the top of their game.

Alec Baldwin: McCain's Problem: Not Age, but Condition - Politics on The Huffington Post


Lovin' being Texican
Barack Obama versus John McCain. One of the first things that supporters of Obama ought to realize is that attacking, belittling or characterizing John McCain by emphasizing his age is a mistake. It is a mistake that may backfire and cost them a lot of votes with seniors in this country.

I don't know about you, but everywhere I look in our society, people over sixty-five are making profound contributions to their chosen fields. Architecture, writing, journalism, painting, education, corporate leadership, law, medicine. You name it. With the exception of actually performing in fields such as sports or ballet, for example, men and women that are John McCain's age are not only contributing, they are at the top of their game.

Alec Baldwin: McCain's Problem: Not Age, but Condition - Politics on The Huffington Post

Ah, yes. Another reliable commentor on the public condition. Way to go ANNOYBOY!


NOT Politically Correct!!
Wasn't Alec Baldwin suppose to move to England is GB won a second term? Another liar...:coffee:


For better or worse, McCain's age is an issue. He looks old and tired, especially when he's shown next to younger candidates. He acts old and crotchety when he's giving public appearances. I think the worst element of his age will be that his many years of experience will translate into many years of working with the Congress that now has single-digit approval ratings and has been getting worse and worse over the years. If people really are tired of the same old same old, McCain's the poster boy for the Same Old.


NOT Politically Correct!!
For better or worse, McCain's age is an issue. He looks old and tired, especially when he's shown next to younger candidates. He acts old and crotchety when he's giving public appearances. I think the worst element of his age will be that his many years of experience will translate into many years of working with the Congress that now has single-digit approval ratings and has been getting worse and worse over the years. If people really are tired of the same old same old, McCain's the poster boy for the Same Old.

If that's the case than NObama joins the Slick Willey smooth talking snake oil salesman crowd. They may look young to you but throughout history peddle the same old sh!t!!! I'll make you younger, I'll put money in yo pocket, I'll tax everyone but you, Change, Believe, We, look I'm wearing a flag pin now, did I mention I was black, did I mention I was white, but of course in the end, NObama is only looking out for his own agenda and if he wins the WH, you're not invited to the party so again you get more of the same, just with a younger look...

I'm cool...


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If that's the case than NObama joins the Slick Willey smooth talking snake oil salesman crowd.

No doubt about it... but it isn't the SlickWilly/Snake Oil crowd that seems to be on the outs with the voters this year. It's the "You guys haven't accomplished crap" crowd that's on the outs. It seems the majority of voters aren't whining about being lied to this year, they are whining about Congress never getting anything done, and McCain, with his decades of participation in that failed organization, is more representaive of the do-nothing Congress than Obama is.


Well-Known Member
No doubt about it... but it isn't the SlickWilly/Snake Oil crowd that seems to be on the outs with the voters this year. It's the "You guys haven't accomplished crap" crowd that's on the outs. It seems the majority of voters aren't whining about being lied to this year, they are whining about Congress never getting anything done, and McCain, with his decades of participation in that failed organization, is more representaive of the do-nothing Congress than Obama is.
How? Guys like Barry were elected to specifically defeat Bush's Iraq plan (according to the media, anyway:lol:), and Barry himself votes with Bush pretty much 100% on Iraq.