McCain's Vet Record Sorely Lacking


Habari Na Mijeldi
For a vet, McCain's record sorely lacking | | The News Leader

Disabled American Veterans is an organization that was founded following World War I, and today has 1.4 million members.
It not only tracks this legislation, but tracks how politicians vote. John McCain is documented as having voted with DAV-supported legislation 34 percent of the time. Barack Obama has voted with the DAV 89 percent of the time.
Another organization that tracks legislation important to veterans is Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, the first and largest organization dedicated to those who served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

For a vet, McCain's record sorely lacking | | The News Leader


I'm the Boss of Me
Yet many vets have this knee jerk response to voting Republican. It's amazing how someone can continue to vote against their own best interests for so many years...

For a vet, McCain's record sorely lacking | | The News Leader

Disabled American Veterans is an organization that was founded following World War I, and today has 1.4 million members.
It not only tracks this legislation, but tracks how politicians vote. John McCain is documented as having voted with DAV-supported legislation 34 percent of the time. Barack Obama has voted with the DAV 89 percent of the time.
Another organization that tracks legislation important to veterans is Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, the first and largest organization dedicated to those who served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

For a vet, McCain's record sorely lacking | | The News Leader


New Member
"I am grateful for the fact that I have a wonderful life," McCain said. "I spent some years without a kitchen table, without a chair, and I know what it's like to be blessed by the opportunities of this great nation."

referring to the Hanoi Hilton